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Hearing. also the following passage from the article on Primary Schools in Volume XXI of the Penny Encyclopaedia (1841): The school is organised in classes, This is the scientific basis for the belief of the special influence of the condition of the mother at the time of conception upon the subsequently developing offspring. Deep to the whole integument is a subcutaneous layer of fat, the panniculus adiposus. [page 106] With the ordinary well-cared-for infant such impulses find a harmless satisfaction in biting food, bone rings, and the like, and, later on, in destructive and constructive play with bricks or sand. Glissades are done with or without change of feet, and all begin and end with a demi-plié. Burns, Miss CE, Head Teacher, Grangetown County Infant School, Yorks. The school nurse visits the class at least five times a year, and the school medical officer or the nurse is available, whenever required, to deal with special cases. The cultivation of little gardens and flower Child study should form the basis of her training and her studies in psychology should be connected directly with descriptions and observations of the actual behaviour of children. He wants to use his powers and knowledge in making objects which will give reality to his make-believe world, and the school should help him to do so, in one direction by increasing his knowledge of different materials so that by personal experience he may know what can and what cannot be done with them, in another direction by At present many of the assistant teachers in such schools are untrained, particularly those placed in charge of the infants. Of these, 919 kindergartens were maintained by the state, 939 kindergartens were maintained by city and urban councils, and there were also 13 practising kindergartens attached to training colleges. Strength in young children 80 by private effort are attached to girls' schools maintained by various Roman Catholic orders and congregations for women. senses, sight and hearing in particular, need opportunities for what is commonly known as sense-training. The eye and the ear differ considerably as regards the effects of age. Too often it meant keeping children silent, still, and inactive, in order to aim at measurable results. Mrs Mellanby, however, showed that defective structure is much more common than had been supposed, and that there is a positive correlation between defective structure and caries in human teeth. Further, the boy or girl takes a proportionally much longer time to increase the weight from puberty to adult life than does the domestic animal. Children who spend some time in this class, even if it be only one term, are settled and self-reliant. On the other hand, many young children do not obtain sufficient sleep at night, and it is therefore most desirable that adequate facilities for sleep should be provided for children below the age of five in nursery schools and classes. There are, however, a large number of schools of the kindergarten type (écoles gardiennes or jardins d'enfants) for children between the ages of three and six. It leads more quickly to a mastery of the formal subjects; it helps the child to acquire the habit of discovering things for himself; it escapes the damage to character which too often ensues when instruction is forced upon the child by an external and personal authority. It is easy to love young children, but hard to retain a youthfulness of mind when constantly occupied with a limited sphere of work, harder still when classes are large. Arithmetic 135 Finally, in the planning of new infant schools, the other general requirements for children below the age of seven which we have mentioned in sections 113 and 114, especially adequate floor space, storage for personal belongings and educational apparatus, and the suggestions which we have made as to the internal decoration of schools, should engage the close attention of the architect. This course may be adapted to give special preparation for work (i) in Nursery Schools and Infant Schools, or (ii) in Schools for Infants and Junior Children.'. Experimental research has recently thrown much light on the nature and growth of the young child's instincts and emotions. Teachers in infant schools should be on the alert to detect even slight defects of vision or hearing, or any nervous peculiarities, and should bring them to the notice of the school doctor, as such defects are responsible for much that is mistakenly regarded as 'backwardness'. It is therefore important that children under the age of seven should not be expected to read small print or indeed to do any close work for long periods. Colley, Miss I, Head Teacher, Ladybarn County Infant School, Withington, Manchester. THE INFANT SCHOOL Special attention is devoted to the formation of good habits during the fixed periods for eating, sleeping, and personal hygiene. Williams, Mr RP, MD, Medical Officer of the Board of Education. and the educational material supplied comprises toys, picture books, and apparatus for sensory training. This reduction at the. Our witnesses from rural areas were insistent that increased facilities for attending to the health of the young children in the country were required. Miss EE Froud, General Secretary of the Union. Acceptance of the Froebelian doctrine of the sufficiency of self-activity has led many to doubt the wisdom of the English procedure. the Senate of the Free City) defrays the whole cost of maintenance.     general discussion on 152-6 The diseases which are most frequently associated with wakefulness are the acute fevers, inflammatory disorders and cerebral diseases. The child with carious milk teeth requires careful nutrition and dental care to acquire even a moderately well-formed permanent set. Mellanby, Professor E, F.R.S., Secretary of the Medical Research Council. The following passage from the Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons, on Education of the Poorer Classes in England and Wales (1838), p. iv: not been imposed upon the child too early, at a stage before he can really understand it and while restriction still means a mental strain, then he is more, and not less ready to accept the inevitable discipline later on. Treatment of chronic middle ear disease not infrequently calls for treatment of associated enlargement of the lymphoid tissue in the mouth (tonsils) and naso-pharynx (adenoids). Houghton, Miss WE, Lecturer, Gipsy Hill Training College, London, SE19.     food provided in school 57 Nursery schools Later he entered Dame Gertrude Aram's School at Gainsborough, and he speaks of her also in appreciative terms. (1) In Manchester, there are 18 'student nurses' engaged in certain of the 60 nursery classes. Almost all the children who have been in the nursery section do this. I therefore accept recommendation 74 with the following alteration: Austria 267 8. She should study the stages of development in children up to the age of seven with due regard to every aspect of growth. This school, which was erected in 1844, consists of one large room divided by a movable wooden partition. Comparatively little research was accordingly directed towards elucidating the factors responsible for determining the structure of the teeth. Vol. Miss I Haswell, Chillingham Road County School, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Formal education, generally speaking, has been begun at too early an age in England, earlier than is usual in continental countries and in America; and we endorse the view that this early formal education 'has received so large a share of the school time that other activities of equal importance to the young child have been starved'. Teeth in young children 67-8 We think that children under the age of five in rural areas can only profit from attendance at school if there is a sufficient number of them to form a group, i.e. Small schools, staffing in 80-90, 150-1 The head teacher has prepared schemes for the co-ordinated work of the whole school, and all the staff in course of time will have taken classes or groups in both sections. The growth is most rapid in the first 2 years of life and by 5 years of age the eyeball has almost reached its mature dimensions. Diseases in childhood 52, 55, 58, 60-8 Miss AG Philip, CBE, HM Chief Woman Inspector of Schools. To discover similarities, however, is a harder task, and the ordinary child seems, as a rule, unable to express them in words till he is a year or two older than seven. This wider range of training has been of value in the past in facilitating interchange of teachers between infant and primary schools, and has thus contributed to the unity of the teaching profession. [page 278] 50. Needlework and Crafts. White, E Kirke 4 In 1924 Miss McMillan provided additional places in premises (since demolished) in Wellington Street, and in 1927 a new shelter was built by her on the Stowage site. As a matter of principle, the total cost of maintaining these schools falls on the organisers, i.e. And with this goes an increase in the variety of contacts that he makes not only with persons but also with things and with ideas - an expansion which now becomes possible through the enlargement of his own skill and interests. A distinct type of nursery school has been recently developed in Bradford where the education committee have established joint nursery and infant schools in which the ages of the children range from two to six plus or seven plus.     in Primary Schools 75, 87, 91 The necessity for national economy, which became apparent in the autumn of 1920, was strongly emphasised by the Board in Circular 1190 issued in January 1921, (1) and the restrictions on expenditure imposed by that Circular remained in force till 1924. The Code of 1905; the Board's, 18. Offices 164, 167 Picture books are provided instead of rag books, and the children learn to take care of them. It is probable, however, that this initial cry is merely an automatic result of the first intake of breath. It opens into a wide corridor and has a verandah. Attainments at end of infant stage 33, 132, 145 The children's towels are hung on a frame fixed to the wall in one corner of the room. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that walking on two legs involves a much higher degree of tactile discrimination and a much higher degree of visual perception and appreciation of distance than that exhibited by animals which walk on four legs. [page 113] In 1905-6 the number again dropped to 497,643. The 60 nursery classes established up to the present in infant schools in Manchester each contain, as a rule, 25 children. Wilkes, Miss V, Head Teacher, North Skelton County Infant School, Yorks. Recommendations and Conclusions 173-95 Rural Areas The 'toddlers' clinics', however, attract mothers who have no younger infants, while mothers with young babies sometimes bring their older children from time to time to the doctor at the infant consultations. Bilingualism in Wales 146 When nursery schools were first recognised for grant in 1919, the general opinion was that they should be small, partly in order that they might be homelike, but chiefly that there might be less risk of infectious illness. Foreign bodies and bacteria effect an entry easily. J. Biol. It is not advisable to adopt any hard and fast rule for the length of lessons in infant schools. 38. Rusk, Mr RR, PhD, Director of the Scottish Council for Research in Education. In these spontaneous groupings one significant feature is the way in which rivalry flashes out between the smaller groups, whether in make-believe or in earnest, much as it formerly flashed out between individuals, though now in milder form. Teachers in infant schools should be on the alert to detect even slight defects of vision or hearing, or any nervous peculiarities, and should bring them to the notice of the school doctor, as such defects are responsible for much that is mistakenly regarded as 'backwardness'. If the local school board or town council does not regard the State grant as sufficient, and desires to improve the condition of its schools, it is free to do so, but must itself bear the further cost. (1) It is of interest to note that Section 21(b) of the Code of Regulations for Public Elementary Schools (1926) runs as follows: Rachel McMillan Nursery School, Deptford 37, 106, 107, 169, 254 Group work is also necessary in order to help children to work harmoniously with others and to subordinate their free impulses to the necessity of common action and a division of functions. Furthermore, although the lachrymal (tear-forming) gland effectively washes the conjunctival sac with secretion (tears) of considerable bactericidal power, the actual lymphatic drainage of the eyeball proper is subject to many obstacles especially during sustained visual effort. Sensory development 70, 77, 82, 119 Regulations for Nursery Schools 42-3 Where school meals are provided, these considerations should be borne in mind. (1) Valentine's studies have shown that the infant's responses are never quite so mechanical as Watson's descriptions have implied. 60. 37. Nevertheless, even in the nursery school the tiny child of three is very ready to show rivalry with other children, and evinces a perpetual desire to cling to grown-ups for shelter or attention. Francis W Parker School, Chicago, USA. It seems to us important that school doctors and teachers should point out to parents that the correction of various defects in the vision of young children by means of spectacles does not necessarily involve their permanent use. In this way the antithesis between work and play will not exist for the child; both alike will be for him forms of welcome activity. (B) NURSERY CLASSES FOR CHILDREN BELOW THE AGE OF 5 IN INFANT SCHOOLS AT LEICESTER AND MANCHESTER The rosy freshness of the child's skin has not only particular beauty but also definite sources of weakness. THE EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN UP TO THE AGE OF SEVEN PLUS Meals. [page 265] Out of this kind of practical observation the child's higher intellectual activities will gradually evolve. Cooke, Miss AA, Head Teacher, William Crane County Infant School, Nottingham. (1) Report of the Consultative Committee on School Attendance of Children below the age of Five (1908). Also used in the singular, “sur la demi-pointe.”. 92. (ii) 3½d. [page 176] Such private schools form an integral part of the public system of education, but receive no grant from the State in respect of such kindergarten classes. Wharton, Miss ME. The skin is characterised in most areas of the body by the presence of hair in association with sebaceous glands and sweat glands. Other accommodation includes kitchen, larders, staff sitting rooms, lavatories and cloakrooms (with pipes screened by wire for drying clothes). Jones, Miss ME, Head Teacher, Sprowston Infant School, Norfolk, Steel, Miss I, Head Teacher, Church Walk CE School, Ulverston, Lancs. In the remaining Cantons, infant schools are the concern of the Communes, or of private organisations which are largely denominational. The intensity of the child's emotional life reaches its zenith towards the end of the third year. There is a flourishing mothers' club in connection with the school. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau; Nu Upsilon and Upsilon Delta Chapters. 36 The nerves controlling the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels of the skin, and those controlling the arrectores pilorum (for goose-flesh) and the sweat glands are not under the control of the voluntary nervous system, but are subject to the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. Activities (1) P Frankowski and K Gottlieb Die Kindergarten der Germeinde Wien (1927), passim, and data supplied to the Secretary of the Committee by the Oesterreichischer Verband fur Wohungsreform, Vienna. Halls, school 160     of Nursery Schools 43, 167 If the organ undergoes prolonged suspension of movement, its anatomical structure degenerates. 229-235. XIX, p.283. There is a playground reserved for children below the age of five during part of the day, and special sanitary accommodation within the school buildings or accessible by a covered way. [½p] for milk. As a matter of fact most young children are extraordinarily interested in number, and in schools where the teaching is based on this interest they do not find the study of arithmetic tedious or dull or useless. (Chapter VII, Section 107). The girls attend the nursery school for one morning a week during the last three terms of their school life. Miss HJ Hartle, Brighton Municipal Training College. Between the ages of two and five the child is gaining knowledge about the world around him through his senses, and is learning to exercise these senses in themselves. The muscular effort involved in reading should be compared in many respects to that required in maintaining the arm aloft for a considerable period. Wilson, Miss F, Head Teacher, Queen Victoria County Infant School, Sedgley, Staffs. Nevertheless, the Code had an important indirect effect on infant schools and departments, since the strain of preparing children of the age of six to pass into standard I reacted on the teaching of children under that age. Hall, Miss MI, Head Teacher, Brandon County Infant School, Co. Durham.     physiological references regarding the 59, 61 The scientific evidence summarised in Chapters II and III shows the great importance of medical records. In its quick changes and warm and shifting colours, his emotional life is kaleidoscopic. Unfortunately, common language has no convenient general term: the technical use of the word 'sentiment' strikes the non-psychological as a little forced. [page 63] Factories and mines, employment of children in 15, 21 language of instruction in the infant school should be English, and the formal teaching of Welsh may with advantage be deferred until the child reaches the primary school. 18. Aron (12) subjected dogs to a period of restricted diet whereby growth was decreased. The Lower Age Limit for Obligatory Attendance more on the experiences to be gained out of doors and the opportunities for experiment and discovery which close contact with the real world provides. Young, Mr WH, HM Inspector of Schools. MRC Special Report No. From that date everyone ate butter instead of butter substitutes and this particular form of malnutrition in association with sore eyes disappeared. (9) Gilbert & Lawes, On the Formation of Fat in the Animal Body. Children soon find in arithmetic a field in which they can measure their growing mastery of the tool and their growing powers of concentration. (Chapter I, Sections 11-16). Games of hunting, fishing, building shelters, nursing dolls, constructing things with the hands, imitating the activities of adult life, all these should be utilised in the infant school, and the more formal scholastic attainments may be aided by the use of such games as these. From the eighth to twentieth week, the infant will respond with a smile to another's smiling; but from the twentieth to fortieth week, negative responses predominate, probably because the child is then becoming more aware of strangers as such. In the case of the eye as a whole the growth is more precocious than that of the brain. 51, No.     premises for 167-9 Ministry of Health 26. Vol. There was usually one classroom for each department. A child of school age without some evidence of dental caries, past or present, is unfortunately almost a curiosity. (See also recommendation 20 above). Storage for overalls, brushes, and other personal belongings may be provided in the cloakroom, the slippers being kept in racks below the cloak rails. The staffing of small schools containing at most an infant 'class' presents some distinctive features. Arnold, Matthew 3 Miss H Brown-Smith, late HM Inspector of Schools. National Association of Labour Teachers. 70. He does not stop growing because he has ceased to eat. Wellock, Miss MJ, Head Teacher, Medburn County Infant School, St Pancras, NW1. [page 225] Sections 46 (4) (c), and 48 (4). Smiling58 days. Music includes eurhythmics and a percussion band for all, as well as singing. a greater sense of confidence and independence. Sharpe Rev TW 29 Cooper, Miss EH, Head Teacher, Rushall County Infant School, Staffs. Stow did not claim to be the founder of infant schools, nor indeed in the field of infant education was he a man of great originality. The main room was usually divided into compartments by movable screens or curtains, and in one or more of these compartments some of the younger children were taught by pupil teachers or monitors. The vessels of the skin are under the control of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system. Balancé may be done crossing the foot either front or back. Children gather many new ideas from the talk and example of other children, from the home and the outer world, from visits to other classes in their own school or to other schools to see what kind of things other children are doing. (1) Central Bureau voor de Statistiek. There are two large nursery classrooms with trench windows, affording accommodation for 45 children in all. Special provision is made for children below the age of six or five, either in separate schools called écoles maternelles, (1) or in classes enfantines attached to the primary schools. (Chapter VII, Section 109).

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