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best late game civ aoe2

Paper money tech turns trash into gold. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. The Byzantines complement this play style very well. Good points here but OP probably meant a late game where gold is not limited. A question about your play style to start things off: Which random map(s) do you prefer to play most often? Ontop of that Steppe Husbandry allows LCav + HCA to be made 80% faster. The biggest advantage the Portuguese have over any civilization is accuracy of gunpowder units. I added you, I am not great at this game myself lol, so we can play if you want, no rush, etc. Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Apparel Announcement. Which rushing strategies do you want your civ to thrive at? They only suffer against microed archers. Unstoppable in the late game. Paladins with Axemen and scorpions. Theyre skirmisher have the extra attack/range vs armor tradeoff which makes them better, but they only get pikes and no scout-line (relying instead on gold-intensive eagles instead). I used to play the original Aoe a lot years ago and I also played the Spanish. However, they do miss Blast Furnace and Hussar which is quite unfortunate for those 2 units. Many civs are kinda played for their strengts, but also got good counters to their weeknesses. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Far the best AoE2 civ ( for you ) by Spirit of the Camel Archer account. Their only real downside is that they don't have blast furnace or any economic bonuses. {"name":"Best AoE2 Civ For You - Take the Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Which random map do you like best on this list?, Do you prefer 1v1 or team games?, Which architecture do you like the best? Khmer: This civilization is just 2x Scorpions! By far the best monks in the book of AoE2 Empires II: the Age Kings! I'm curious what is the best late game strategy for age of empires 2 (conquerors 1.0c). Their unique unit, the cataphract is also a ton of fun to play with and can be very strong once they’re fully upgraded. I modified this strategy so I castled a little later, and had more resources available to be on pace with the knight rush. How or can you edit units on scenario editor. Villagers can even be used in a pinch as makeshift military units (especially with Sappers researched that gives them +15 damage to buildings). As AOE remains one of the sharpest starategy games ever, you can be sure that most teams are evenly matched. Koreans are also rather beastly, Warwagons basically being the AOE equivelent to tanks and long range siege onagers which completely destroy EVERYTHING are a nice combo. Late Game: Korea. UserPatch 1.5 (CD version only) Windows 7 Color Fix (CD version only) YouTube. So yeah. Advantage: Hunters work 40% faster. They obtain Chemistry for free, gunpowder technologies are cheaper, and their gunpowder units gain a bonus 25% hitpoints. Malay: Has the ability to make 2-handed swordsman for only food making them have the most powerful trash unit in the game. Honestly if you get post imp with very high resources, the so-called lower civs are super strong. Read More. Mayans. AoE2Sheet by Jineapple. r/aoe2 Wiki. Burmese and Khmer are other civs that come to mind if they’re allowed a full boom. It really depends on what you personally like in a civilisation. They also work on land as their infantry heal themselves (they are best in castle on land tho). Their hussar moves an additional 10% faster ontop of husbandry making them the fastest cavalry trash unit in the game. Fully-upgraded halbs and elite skirms. What is a good civ for late game with high and with low resources? Mangudai and Celtic scorpions may have better firepower but Elephants have a better longevity. 2:1:1 ratio of mamelukes, hand cannoneers and skirmishers. They are a good defensive civ because their buildings have more HP and they have great late game trash units. The spearman-line is relatively cheap to produce and to upgrade and is essential in most games that go into the late game. Mongols. Plumed archers are great against pretty much everything (onagers and scorpions are about the only things that can defeat them). I like Slavs and Bulgarians for their unique techs, but I wouldn’t actually consider them top tier trash civs. Anyway, you may want to use some trebs for support. Any civ with a good bonus for the trash units. 10. In essence, the rock, paper and scissors of AOE2. Maybe Berbers. We only pushed him back a little when we went 3v1 on that side. Gunpowder FTW. Spanish: I think they're the only civ in the game that has all 3 trash units fully-ulgraded. Bug Fixes - Game Tips - Patches. While scouts with bloodlines are the strongest units in feudal aggression, spearman on scouts will deal the highest damage that any unit can deal on another in the feudal age. If a civ performs badly in Imperial, it's probably performing bad at every other stage of the game as well (looking at you, Italians). Why? 5. Persians elephants + scorpions is the most powerful combo i have tested. As iEuro mentioned there is no best civilization. Germany's lack of late game unit cards makes them kinda weak late game besides their war wagons but taking up 3 pop a piece they won't be game winners (mid game though they are totally ownage ) They're more of a castle-age powerhouse than a late imperial civ. Elite Magyar-Huszars win against Malay 2handedSman cost effectivly. What civ/unit combos are the best? So without further ado, here are the best civilizations with the highest win-rate in AoEII: HD Edition. Ultra late game means to me no gold (trash wars), but it sounds like youre looking for just late game options. Persians: Though missing Bracer and Arbalest, their crossbows can be made into wood-only units making them very powerful and the most useful trash unit. The best AoE2 civ for you? As stated above they are good. For open maps with the convention to not attack early, mobility and durability matters more. Aztec and Goths are really strong early imp, but in the real late game (full walls, trade etc) they are pretty average. ","img":" … Spanish - +33% gold generated at the market, conquistadors, FU paladins, bombard towers/cannons, and no gold for blacksmith upgrades make Spanish one of the top 5 late-game civs in the game, imo. Wiki. Best ultra-late game civs for team play OK so this is a bit of an odd post. then the other only power unit is Sipahi CA Wich can take a pretty good beating but aren't going to win engamentes to some of the other top tier deathballs. The best or worst depend purely on your strategy and your competitors style. More castle spam) Britons (champs with longbows and trebs. 3. Mongols have a great late game composition. Unique Unit: Boyar Boyar being the unique unit has nothing to do with infantry, instead it’s a heavy cavalry unit. Turks are always good to go with for late game (especially once trade is up and running). faster gathering gold is one of the worst eco upgrades by far. gg goth, but the koreans with their insane range siege onagers easily outrange the janissaries, gg turks, and list goes on like that, for every civ, there is atleast one good counter civ, or heck, just even good counter play. On paper Malay are the best trash civ in the game but in reality there are several civs who are better because Forced Levy and all the upgrades are a big tech switch and cost gold as well. In the late game period, lots of researches take months to finish. The Organ Gunhas a spray damage effect at range, so injuring infantry lines or rows of archers will be more effective. I could switch out Magyars with another civ that has decent trash maybe like Byzantines or Lithuanians, but I at least feel pretty comfortable with my top 4. For each turn captains have 30 seconds. All the hard Paladin civs are in this case an option against Aztecs because they have no halbs. Playing on Linux: Steam | CD version. Jul 09, 2020. Turks and Portuguese with high gold income have very powerful composition. A plethora of gold units to choose from, gold-free blacksmith upgrades, can recover from destroyed buildings faster, and has Supremecy--a tech that makes each villager essentially as tough as a longswordsman. Playing on Mac: Steam | CD version. Call to Power arose out of legal tussles between Activision and Microprose over the board game origins of the ‘Civilization’ trademark. My friends and I ve been playing AoE2 for about 5 months but i just can't manage to win! This coupled with their ability to gather gold faster than other civilizations allows them to create military units quickly. 18 août 2014 à 12h02 The … Some civ you didn't mention are Magyars, Lithuanians, Persians, Spanish and Byzantines. If you can afford it though, Druzhina will make your infantry armies particularly formidable. They can create all cavalry units with the exception of the Paladin and can research all cavalry technologies. Hello AoE2 Community! Thanks to Arquebus, ballistics will give gunpowder units incredible accuracy and speed. I only started playing AoE2 in February of 2019—just after I started streaming. The second strength o… Their buildings automatically get stronger each time you age up. If you like defensive civs then try the Byzantines. Britons Their elite plumed archers and upgraded eagle warriors (100hp instead of 60/70) take out anything in their path. Mass archers for British can also be a tough counter. Oh and the Turks have decent ships. On paper Malay are the best trash civ in the game but in reality there are several civs who are better because Forced Levy and all the upgrades are a big tech switch and cost gold as well. Very good answer.But i think he is pretty new at the game and meant a late game army with gold (booming for one hour and then massing the gold unit of your choice).For that i think Mongols and Koreans have the strongest Deathballs with Siege Onager and Mangudai/War Wagons. What makes them a good trash civ however is the Magyar Huszar. (You may pick more than one), 2. For water maps: vikings. As I’ve mentioned, most beginners tend to play defensively. (choosing 2-3 favourites will give the best quiz results) Vikings are weak in the late-game compared to many civs, it is true, but with their excellent eco and military might that is up to par with most civs up through early Imperial, they have quite a good chance to end the game before late-Imperial. Indeed, to most players, it will either be extremely hard or downright impossible. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. All rights reserved. /r/aoe2 Discord. Elite Magyar-Huszars win against Malay 2handedSman cost effectivly. I was thinking Japanese for lower resource maps but idk. Has a wide array of powerful gold units both on water and land including siege ram and BBC. Aztecs are actually pretty bad in trash wars. Elite Jannissaries, Bombards, Cavalry Archers (which are now better in HD!! Purists will scoff at the inclusion of Activision’s ambitious yet shambolic stab at the great empire-builder, but it marked a blip in the history of the series that’s kind of fascinating. Turks - Janissaries, siege rams, extra range on bombard towers/cannons, free hussar upgrade, and free chemistry make a Turk fast imp a game-winning strategy. Trash war won't happen because your opponent is long dead by then. HockeySam18 ... Also good siege, if only they didn't suck vs late game monsters like Huns and Mongols) Franks (castle spam. On closed maps (like black forest) with plenty of resources there are some civs that have very strong (but often immobile) deathballs such as: Koreans with siege onagers and war wagons, Ethiopeans with scorpions/onagers, halbs or arbalests, Khmer with scorpions, ballista elephants and battle elephants, Slavs with siege and infantry (and boyars), Persians with war elephants and trashbows or handcannons and paladins, Indians with imperial camels, elephants archers or handcannoneers, Magyars with heavy cavalry archers and huszar, Also, any civ with good bombard towers can do a BBT push (spanish, portuguese, turks, byzantines). Dutch Late game is like a typical civ's late game, nothing really special except ruyters but that isn't enough to make it a great late game attacking civ. The quiz: Patreon: Full intro song: … I personally play Turks. Mayan Eagles and any durable cavalry like Paladins are the most practical options. They do get halbs too, but they miss Squires and the last infantry armor, so they're difficult to use. Find out what nation will fit your tactics in Age of Empires II siege.. Use monks to convert if under attack or by player order: the Age of Kings as of. Â ¦ to each rock Parthian tactics for your cav archers civ, this combo better! Supposed an efficient trade, Celts, Mongols, Persians, Saracens and Turks are top tier. His unique unit on horseback deals additional damage to Siege Engines. Only put them at #2 because Malay trashmen can destroy buildings without the prominent use of gold. However, their trash is super cheap for grindy games. :) ), and the Turks even have decent cavalry. They also gain the Light Cavalry and Hussar upgrades for free. And having mobile cheaper Hussars is much more important for raiding and all the stuff. Also has a unique bonus that gives their fish traps unlimited food so you can theoretically make unlimited 2-handed trashmen. Bombard Towers will be able to hit targets faster while Hand Cannoneers and Bombard Cannons will be more precise against enemies moving towards them. However, I do give them bonus points for having BBC, farimba light cav, and the TC defense can be nice during a raid. In such a situation it makes sense to go 100+ trade carts and sling the mayan ally. Vietnamese, Malay, Aztecs, Malians come to mind. © Valve Corporation. Continuing with the Goths, their infantry is 35% cheaper, their villagers are better at hunting boar, and they can support 10 additional population late-game. They also get fully-upgraded halbs and hussars as well as elite skirms (without bracer that is). The best Civilization in the late game should be Korea. It does cost 1200 Food and 500 Gold, which is a heavy price to pay and severely affects this civilization’s rankings. For very low wood situations in team games, Mayan Eagles are the best. Cumans: many of you may be sick of seeing this civ, and that's understandable but they also do get notable bonuses. The answer to your question depends on a lot of things, especially whether your strategy is to boom (economy), rush (early attack), or turtle (build up a huge army behind walls). Malians are also a mediocre trash civ since they miss halberdier, blast furnace, and bracer; the lack of damage against cavalry and skirmisher range is a pretty big deal. However, Slavs have access to a powerful unique research that grants splash damage to all infantry units. 3% of months means a lot of Speedups/Money. They have access to all gunpowder units and these will likely f… Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Keeps that actually work) Teutons (Teutonic Knight and the architecture. + 30% resistance for light cavalry. Goths are pretty hard to beat come late Imperial. They have nearly every upgrade available to them or at least more than any other civilization. Only downside is their abysmal light cavalry. I played a two hour 4v4 Oasis game two nights ago that would have been over in half that time if the opposing team didn’t have a single Mongol player holding one side of the map all on his own with a wall of mangudai and siege. Access to cheap unique unit, cheap elephants, and has bombard cannons. The Viking economy (with free Wheelbarrow and Hand Cart, as well as cheap docks and warships) is quite arguably the best in the game. Age of Empires Wikia. All it took was one or two AoE2 streams before I realized how addicting the game is and how amazing the community is; barely a day has gone by where I haven’t played at least one AoE2 game since then! What I mean by that is the Scorpions of this civilization shoots two shots for 1 attack, however, that does not mean that it does double the damage, the second projectile only deals half the damage of the first. I mean come on, you get to be a conquistador! Picking a favourite civ is hard… They are all muscle and the best civilization to become an ally. Me and my friends do Lans of this game all the time, but we have some custom rules that don't really apply to the main game so most civ tier lists are thrown off. In this Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Civilizations Tier List we’ll be going over each of the races available in the game and determining the strongest AoE2 DE Civilizations based on a lot of pro player games and 1v1 Arabia matches in the latest patch. agree to disagree, jannisaries aren't good against archers and even with unlimited gold is hard on your food costing almost as much a Knight, can't remember the amount of times I though that going janissaries in a TG was a good idea only to realize you are later to imp than everyone due to them tanking your eco a lot. Goths are absolutely insane at Imperial Age: not only do they get a population limit boost, they also can recruit their unique unit from any point on the map, or just flood the map with champions and halberdiers. We reflect with Co-Studio Head Thomas Wilson on Beenox’s journey from a small apartment in Quebec to developing the Best Sports/Racing Game of 2019, as well as welcome in new Co-Studio Head Nour Polloni. My friends and I usually don’t fight until the imperial age and they figured how to beat my aztec unit combo. The spearman-line is an anti-cavalry unit. Add a couple bbc and monks and it's a GG. But if we’re talking trash fights, Vietnamese and Magyars come to mind. But really, nearly every civ can be or is good at late Imperial Age. Their unique units, Cataphracts, rip through infantry and are decent against Cavalry. Made without Sid Meier, Jeff Briggs and co at the helm, it was Activision’s first stab at t… Vietnamese: Best skirmishers in the game, has halbs, a bountiful collection of gold units including BBC and a very good archer unit. + 20% shooting speed for archers on horseback and their unique unit. He will destroy Mamelukes hand canonneers and my inferior number of skirms. To simplify this I’ve turned to, an independent project that monitors the game’s competitive scene and provides easy to understand data such as win rate, overall usage, and average game score for each civilization. We like big combats in Late Imperial Age. Lots of people mension goths, well, a handful of janissaries on a small chokepoint on BF will one shot any goth unit trying to pass. The main reason is that Korea provides the 3% research speed boost. All races have their strengths. A quiz. This is assuming you had all the resources you could want. Thanks. By Spirit of the Law, 1. Depends on your play style. A fully upgraded castle in the Imperial age has like 8100 hitpoints. I would rate Magyars and Spanish as the best trash civs. For a long time, I tought it was impossible to win with the difficulty level set to HARDEST. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). But all races are strong enough late game. Aztecs and Malians suck in trash war. Age of Empires is a challenging game, especially when you play at high levels. Longbows may cause lag and make the game not fun. Mongols are probably the best all around carry for nearly any map, ports also are insanely strong, but don't have a lot of mobility for open maps (this isn't an issue in extra late game). Magyars: FU elite skirms and cheap, fully-upgraded hussars. "The best" depends on your opponents. aoestats aggregates the latest ranked matches for Age of Empires II and provides in-depth data and statistics on a civilization basis; stats include: win rate, play rate, win rate vs. game … I would say Spanish, but that's just my opinion. What about if he goes mass skirms tho? Unit & Building Stats. Access to Architecture and 100% HP TCs make destroying those take a long time. Halbs / Tkts SO HS BBC BBT FU Pal (ok not fu miss speed up but well, teut is slow push civ anyway) Less woodies with roxxy farms, more pop space. Try switching to stand ground for a few seconds to push. They also miss BBC and Siege Ram. I could help you out and vice versa. And having mobile cheaper Hussars is much more important for raiding and all the stuff. We really dont like to rush cause otherwise it's a bit boring. +2 vision for scouts and light cavalry. overall I still prefer Teutons or Portuguese rather than Turks to the late game. It's what you get when you get a knight and make it a trash unit, and most importantly it gets a bonus against siege making it extremely valuable in trash wars since siege isbwhere most gold will end up being dumped into. You will be able to get those T5 units a lot faster.

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