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betta attacking snail

And of course, assassin snails eat those... also they don’t eat live plants. Nerites are hardy little guys. It’s weird because my betta doesn’t flare at all. Also, adding the snail a couple of days before the fish will ensure that the betta will simply see it as part of the environment and not as a threat. What products have you used in the past week? I bought a black mystery snail a week ago and I spent the first 24 hours tapping the tank every time the betta started to get aggressive. Lifespan: 1 Year. He cleans up ramshorn snails as if he's some sort of loach. I tried flipping it upright but when I looked later it was flipped over again and looked empty, which is sad. While they do best in well-oxygenated tanks, they can survive in shallow waters, too. The snails just staying in his shell now? I had changed the filter and added water recently (2-3 weeks ago), but I've done water changes in the past and the snail was fine, so I don't see why it would have hurt the snail this time. I wouldn't be too quick about removing them. It also seemed like some of the cases were similar to yours, in which the betta seemed to live peacefully with the snail for a while, but then suddenly the snail was gone (in that case though, I believe the snail might have been sick and the betta only ate it when it was close to being dead.). I think it was more out of curiosity rather than aggression since there wasn't much else to do for them as they were in a breeding container at the time. There are some small snails that came in with the plants and anytime he sees one, he is flaring at it. It only takes a minute to sign up. And since bettas are such a popular species, it makes total sense. Awww looks like you got a betta that doesn't tolerate any tank mates. Bettas can bite of their eyes or other fleshy parts before the snail could retract. Do betta fish attack snails, and if so, why might it have done now? My betta, Chewbacca, will attack anything I place in his tank. I found my bettas will attack snails that are small (ramshorn and pond snails) but my nerite has such small antennae and moves so slow they don't bother her at all. I haven’t decided yet. To finish off our list of the best betta fish mates, we, of course, have the mystery snails. However, bettas and rasboras are almost perfect tank mates! One took a ride out of the tank on a piece of decor when I did a, My little nerite loves to explore in fact I found him hanging upside down on the tank lid he also got in my filter right now he's in my tower if you want to know more you can see his thread although it has more about my betta then him. This guy is not meant to be kept with … I was taking care of this one betta who I found to be a snurderer (snail murderer). If you get a fish that is too brightly colored or has long flowing fins, then your betta may attack them. They are in a 5 gallon, filtered tank. He killed his apple snail 'friend', and also starts attacking the MTS in his tank (but only when they get above a certain size). I don't know if your Betta attacked the snail, but it would be weirded if they have been fine all the other times, or if it just died of natural causes - I'm no expert but just thought I'd put my opinion out there, hope it's helpful. If the betta only pecked at him once, your betta should get bored and move on, Nerite snails have antenna, but...Yeah, I agree with dch48. He is one bad mojo and does not tolerate anything else in HIS tank. Whereas if you add a Betta to a tank that already has fish, the Betta if it chill enough (like by the sounds of your Betta, since he lived with the snail before it died) will just kind of accept the established fish. Is your tank ... ChrisTheFishkeeper2004. I've never seen the betta care about the snail's presence. Some species are tiny, whereas others grow larger and have beautiful colors too. The snail (about 1.5 inch / 3.8 cm long) doesn't seem to care and will hopefully be fine. I'm glad I didn't do mess up by putting them together.. this was my first time keeping a snail so I didn't realize they were shorter-lived. If you Betta has nipped at a snail antennae it will grow back. Betta fish are strong individuals and they differ in their behaviour and tastes. My betta is attacking his mystery snail.? Obviously, they can attack only small snails. If so, with what? I have kept snails in large community goldfish tanks with out a … I keep finding the Tiger nerite snail on it side and the zebra snail hasn’t moved in 4 days. The short answer is you can absolutely keep betta fish and mystery snails together. Yes, they do. I got my betta, Rick, and a mystery snail, Morty, in February. In short, yes, bettas can attack and eat snails, but they don't always do so. Story about a lazy boy who invents a robot to do all his work, tagline is "laziness is the mother of invention". Does partially/completely removing solid shift the equilibrium? It may be touch to watch but if they get through the first few weeks together they will my betta kill my snail. It's flipped the snail on its back too! For this reason, the snails often get nipped many times before they understand. I don't think they're starving, if there's algae they should be good. I got 4 marimo balls and more Java moss. Ok honestly for the snails half a gallon to 1 gallon is perfect. The apple snails are hungry snails and the like eating greens and vegetables. Mystery Snails And Betta Fish. Snails can also make suitable algae-eating tankmates for your betta, especially in smaller aquariums. I need to give a little bit of backstory on this first. Betta fish are strong individuals and they differ in their behaviour and tastes. Ramshorn Snail The potential pairing of mystery snails and betta fish is something that many aquarists are curious about. Help. He happily shared his 3.5 gallon (13 liters) habitat with some ghost shrimp and a zebra snail. Time Reversal Symmetry: An Intuitive Picture. The closeness of the betta and its attempt to intimidate the snail does not work, since snails do not process forms of intimidation, only attack. Some bettas really love to eat snails, some do it only if hungry, some do not eat them at all (but may learn it later). Why first 2 images of Perseverance (rover) are in black and white? Mystery Snails and Apple snails can even regenerate an eye back if picked off, so don’t freak out if you see this. Has the tank ever been medicated? They also consume soft algae, which is good to keep your aquarium algae free. Also the nerite has full antennae. I had a betta for more than four years and he died a few months ago. Ok honestly for the snails half a gallon to 1 gallon is perfect. I think 'most' Bettas are fine with other fish, snails, etc., if they are fairly chill Bettas and that you add the Betta after you have other fish or in you case snail. I’d only drop 1 and a half of a wafer in the tank every 3 days. We’ve not seen a Betta ever ‘bite off” a snail antennae, but the worst case is that this happens and you simply separate the snail and fish. @SqueezyCheezy - Snails don't attack living fish. pH: 7.0 – 7.5. Betta fish kill each other and other fish by attacking their fins and inflicting open wounds. I recently replaced the betta and the new one will not leave the zebra snail alone - always flaring, swimming around him and nipping at his shell. My snails do not like their new tank mate. But two types of snails can live with Betta. He lived happily with my … If a Betta is that aggressive towards a snail, I guarantee he will attempt to kill any fish you put in there. Some bettas really love to eat snails, some do it only if hungry, some do not eat them at all (but may learn it later). And it keeps waiting for the snail to move then attacks it again. Best Algae Eaters – Snails. Would nerite snails need a heater in a separate tank? 126 Posts . Try rearranging the tank means rearranging the ornaments and plants that he thinks that he is in their territory. Pets Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for pet owners, caretakers, breeders, veterinarians, and trainers. Why did multiple nations decide to launch Mars projects at exactly the same time? He killed several species of snails (granted they we're pretty small and had their heads extended out of their shell, unlike nerites). One of these guys in a ten-gallon with your betta is fine. They may eat them when the die, though. Is your tank cycled? I ended up not getting a new tank. I purchased a Black Mystery Snail and Betta together and have them in the same 1.5 Gal tank. Oh yea, I little bit more detail: Juwel tank and filter and heater and light No live plants yet due to the coronavirus They were fine and all of a sudden my mystery snail died after two months. If you’re thinking about adding a Betta Fish to your community tank, you must exercise extreme caution. Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! He lasted about a week before I saw the fish kill him. Does the hero have to defeat the villain themslves? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Well it can be good to add some variety to their diet they are carnivores after all...... Snail's antenna grow back. There is plenty of fish, snails, and shrimp you can keep with your bettas. Thanks for the answer! I ended up putting in a nerite for him, and for the first few days he would follow it very closely around the tank and occasionally try to bite it. They seemed to both be doing fine living together for the 7 months I've had them. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Why are two 1 kΩ resistors used for this additive stereo to mono conversion? Your betta fish might attack the snail’s long tentacles and eyes, but the snail can regrow it over and over again. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. How do I deal with my group having issues with my character? Discussion Starter • #1 • 12 mo ago (Edited) I have 3 small tanks with Bettas. The chances are that the Betta will get tired of pecking at something he can't eat and will leave them alone. I had a Betta and a snail living together peacefully for ages, then I decided to put the snail in my guppy fry tank, but later on I noticed they kept nipping at it. I don’t want him to stay stressed for too long, I was taking care of this one betta who I found to be a snurderer (snail murderer). Zebra Snails do not reproduce uncontrollably like other breeds of snails. Turret Snails. I need to put a vinyl background to prevent him from seeing his reflection. I would give it a little more time, monitoring closely, and if the betta is nipping at the snails tentacles then I would consider removing the snail. I’m not sure exactly what he did but it definitely caused a splash, which is why I looked over. I had a small snail (about 1" / 2.5 cm shell) in the same tank as my betta fish. Most likely the Betta is just bored and not used to having a tank mate. rev 2021.2.18.38600, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Pets Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Not to often I’d say maybe every 8-10 days as long as you don’t over feed with wafers. Bettas are much more likely to hurt. Unless your Betta is really aggressive with the snail he is probably just trying to figure him out. SqueezyCheezy on May 25, 2018: Do snails attack fish at all? Let's see if someone else has a better answer, sorry. Can one use a reversible hash algorithm as a compression function? It's not a fatal wound and they really don't need to have them always extended. It doesn’t matter whether your betta is highly aggressive and territorial, or docile and friendly, a pack of mystery snails is a calm and relaxed companion that guarantees a minimal increase in stress. A betta will not be able to cause any real damage to an apple snail even if it were to "attack".,,,,, Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor. Temperature 70 – 78°F. Almost every snail does... and my betta is fairly aggressive and i’ve Heard some attack assassins. He has like zero issues with the tiger nerite, it's the zebra he gets into flaring fits at sometimes lol. Well... is your betta the only fish in the tank? 2 females and one male. Some betta fish might try to pick on them, but they can retreat into their shells in defense. On the first day the Betta appears to have nipped the snails that time there was next to no gravel in the tank....I removed the snail until I was able to fill the bottom with a fair amount of rock and placed the snail back in....they have been in there for 2 days now and my Betta … Nerites are well armored and protected unless they get turned on their backs. Also do you know what the Nitrogen Cycle is? He seems like he has finally gotten comfortable in his new tank, especially since I switched his fake plant with a real one. Is this normal? My betta is a serial snail killer. So I put it back in the Betta's tank and he tried to kill it - so all I could was use my hand to push the Betta away from the snail and take the snail out. There was some brown film algae on the front of the filter box but, as you can see, it's gone now. The snail will recover and some snails like the mystery snail will regenerate an eye in around 3 weeks [ see scientific study ]. Like Gouramis, Bettas are labyrinth fish with the ability to breathe water. Will the fighter learn to live with the snail? Some are actively vicious and will attack snails and eat them. I had one that religiously trimmed off my ramshorn snails antenna, yet he … I wouldn't be too quick about removing them. I do have a single pond snail which I find every water change. My snails definitely don't like it and have started hiding in their shells all the time. It really depends on the bettas temperament, but snails can hide in their shells for protection and usually the betta is more curious than anything. The snail never moved after that, not sure if he died right away, but after a couple days of my usually very active snail just lying in the same spot I took him out since he was obviously dead, which is sad. In this kind of crisis, it’s important to think fast… Hopefully this video can help someone who is dealing with a similar situation! Yeah I'd keep the snails in. Feed them algae wafers. That beta keeps nipping at the snail's tentacles and seems to enjoy harassing them. He attacked him on the side opposite of where I could see him, so I came in at the end. Ever since I got him he’s been very hyper because he can see his reflection in the tank. At first I hoped he would calm down with age, but I seriously think he would try and kill the cat if he could just get through the glass! My betta fish was continuously bothering my snail, so I decided to do a quick Google search, which brought up these links: After reading them, my conclusion is that it really depends on the betta fish. The snail will simply retreat into it's shell and come out later. I'd be willing to bet that the betta is responsible for the missing antenna, he likely viewed them as food and simply ate them and if he's not attacking the snail he'll probably not start. Apple snails: These guys come with their own armor. ChrisTheFishkeeper2004. Reflection JavaScript is disabled. Eric Dockett (author) from USA on May 15, 2018: @ Dooni - Unfortunately, you probably can't keep the population under control in a tank like that. Are you going to keep the snails in the 10-gallon or move them? I agree that’s why I asked exactly what the Betta did to the snail but no response but that’s ok. Are there any in limbo? Mystery Snails – 5 Multi-Variety Combo Pack. Which great mathematicians had great political commitments? I suspect he will clear out the snails soon. I've gone through two snails with my betta over the last few years. How long do states have to vote on Constitutional amendments passed by congress? Don't even know she's there. For the Nerites make sure that the small tank has a small heater and a small filter. He calmed down a little after that, but it seems in the last two days, he's taken exception to my poor little snail. They sometimes are, but my betta is an avid snail eater. Betta suddenly attacking mystery snail. Which was the first magazine presented in electronic form, on a data medium, to be read on a computer? But you also have to make sure they can co-exist with each other. Because from what I've read online with Betta tank mates, that Bettas will create their own territory, so if you add something to that territory if gets territorial and attacks them. I have a male crown tail Betta and i also have a gold fish and a snail and at first the gold fish was hiding a lot but after two days there were perfectly fine with each other in a 10 gallon tank but today i took the betta out of the tank because he kept hiding inside a shell and was not eating or swimming that much so it all depends on the beta. Sorry this isn't going great for you. Betta males are very protective of their bubble nests. Sometimes they pull them out of the intact shells, sometimes they crush the shell in the process (which can make audible noises). A lot of fish keepers think bettas are too aggressive to be kept with other fish. Could a Mars surface rover/probe be made of plastic? Also do you know what the. I can separate them as I don't have another tank. But this week, I checked up on the tank and found the snail shell overturned. I may have added some seachem stresscoat for my fish but the two snails were not okay before adding the. Others are totally fine around snails or particular types of snails. Dch48. I have had my betta for almost a year and I recently transfered him into a five 1/2 gallon from a one gallon. Wait and see if not tranfer snails to ur other tank. Blog. Or are there any other inhabitants? The betta biting it's own tail sounds like it is stressed out (possibly because it thinks the snail is a danger to it/it's bubble nest). Is there an adjective describing a filter with kernel that has zero mean? I would think the snail probably died of natural causes. What happens if a company releases third-party confidential code as open source? Also do you know what the Nitrogen Cycle is? I have those types of nerites in a 75 gal with S/A. Snails are slow-moving, non-aggressive, and peaceable residents in a community set up that love grazing on algae. However, these fish can attack and eat snails just the same. Or did the snail probably die of other causes? Ok honestly for the snails half a gallon to 1 gallon is perfect. Yes, they do. I had a tank with only mystery snails in it and while I loved watching them I decided to add a beta for a bit of colour. Size 1-5 Inches. Why doesn't installing GRUB on MBR destroy the partition table? I put a mystery snail in with my betta when I read they are good tank cleaners and I was having an algae problem. Hello!! Ur betta is thinking that the snails are in his territory. How can I defend reducing the strength of code reviews? Can small snails bite medium size gold fish? February 7, 2021 8:35 am Uncategorized It's been well over a month since I put the nerite in, and now the betta doesn't bother him at all. Betta Attacking Snails. The snail was up on top of the little tank heater and the betta attacked and knocked him off. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. A PI gave me 2 days to accept his offer after I mentioned I still have another interview. Bettas will often follow the snail around, flaring at it. My betta bit off both of my snail's antennas but they're growing back. These open wounds can quickly lead to infection and/or exhaustion . I don't think snails are as robust as bettas! If you think that bettas are too active to keep with other fish and keeping them with other fish will result in death or severe injury of other fish, well, that is not true. I've purchased a betta fish and an apple snail today and 5 minutes of them being in the tank the fighters biting at the snails attenae things! (For audio inputs to an amplifier). Ethics of warning other labs about possible pitfalls in published research, What is a good font for both Latin with diacritics and polytonic Greek. Are underwater snails strictly bound to 'under' the water? If you get a fin nipper then they will stress your betta out. I spotted a few in my betta tank and want to know. It’s almost like he can’t. I think my snails might be sick. Some Bettas, however, may attack these snails because of their aggressive fighting nature, but then again, zebra nails have a decent armour to protect themselves. Ok great I was worried that if you had any fish in the tank that they might be your bettas next meal lol. Turret … I have recently added new plants to my 20 gallon (76 liters) betta tank, in which only the one Orange Devil Crowntail CT #1105 lives. But I’m going to Petco today so I might buy a small tank anyway. It happens sometimes. These fights can last for considerable amounts of time, and usually, at least one fish will have died by … I have a, Nerite doing his job. Obviously, they can attack only small snails. I don't know what to do to get the fish to leave him alone! hope this helps. I've never heard of a Nerite being killed by a Betta. ChrisTheFishkeeper2004. It sounds like your betta got angry that your snail went to it's leaf, and then more so when the snail went near it's bubble nest, and now is attacking it.

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