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garlic blood sugar

View abstract. Nutrition. JAMA 2000;284:831. J Med Food 2009;12(4):776-781. Friedman, T., Shalom, A., and Westreich, M. Self-inflicted garlic burns: our experience and literature review. Effect of garlic on platelet aggregation in patients with increased risk of juvenile ischaemic attack. Am J Epidemiol 1994;139:1-15. Higashikawa, F., Noda, M., Awaya, T., Ushijima, M., and Sugiyama, M. Reduction of serum lipids by the intake of the extract of garlic fermented with Monascus pilosus: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. View abstract. View abstract. Pharm J 1991;246:722. J Natl.Cancer Inst. View abstract. Staba EJ, Lash L, Staba JE. 2010;19(4):1089-1097. View abstract. Pena, N., Auro, A., and Sumano, H. A comparative trial of garlic, its extract and ammonium-potassium tartrate as anthelmintics in carp. The effect of a garlic supplement on the pro-inflammatory adipocytokines, resistin and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and on pain severity, in overweight or obese women with knee osteoarthritis. Ide N, Lau BH. Suppression of LDL oxidation by garlic. Rahman K, Billington D. Dietary supplementation with aged garlic extract inhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation in humans. View abstract. Scand.J Immunol. View abstract. A randomized trial of the effects of garlic oil upon coronary heart disease risk factors in trained male runners. Rance, F. and Dutau, G. Labial food challenge in children with food allergy. Chu, Q., Lee, D. T., Tsao, S. W., Wang, X., and Wong, Y. C. S-allylcysteine, a water-soluble garlic derivative, suppresses the growth of a human androgen-independent prostate cancer xenograft, CWR22R, under in vivo conditions. Carcinogenesis 1987;8(3):487-489. Dorant E, van den Brandt PA, Goldbohm RA. 2012;36(5):439-444. 1995;34(4):278-279. Recent Pat Cardiovasc Drug Discov 2013;8(1):56-66. View abstract. Seuri, M., Taivanen, A., Ruoppi, P., and Tukiainen, H. Three cases of occupational asthma and rhinitis caused by garlic. Kenzelmann R, Kade F. Limitation of the deterioration of lipid parameters by a standardized garlic-ginkgo combination product. Nature 10-14-1999;401(6754):629. 01-E022, 2000;Oct. Agency for Healthcare Res and Quality. Munday JS, James KA, Fray LM, et al. Free Radic.Biol Med 10-1-2000;29(7):602-611. View abstract. A slew of supplements on the market claim to help reduce blood sugar levels and cut the risk of heart attack for people with diabetes. Panjeshahin A, Mollahosseini M, Panbehkar-Jouybari M, Kaviani M, Mirzavandi F, Hosseinzadeh M. Effects of garlic supplementation on liver enzymes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetes Metab Syndr. Unnikrishnan, M. C., Soudamini, K. K., and Kuttan, R. Chemoprotection of garlic extract toward cyclophosphamide toxicity in mice. Int.Dent.J. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Williams, M. J., Sutherland, W. H., McCormick, M. P., Yeoman, D. J., and de Jong, S. A. Silagy C, Neil A. Garlic as a lipid lowering agent--a meta-analysis. 9-14-2007;121(1):130-131. View abstract. Lung cancer. Treatment of hyperlipidaemia with garlic-powder tablets. B., Cui, Y. J., Guo, J. 2016;146(2):389S-396S. View abstract. Some early research suggests that taking garlic powder might help to reduce levels of lead in the blood. Int.J Cardiol. Antifungal effects]. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94:1648-51.. View abstract. Asian J Surg. Early research suggests that taking one dose of garlic might not repel mosquitos. Mukhrejee, S., Banerjee, S. K., Maulik, M., Dinda, A. K., Talwar, K. K., and Maulik, S. K. Protection against acute adriamycin-induced cardiotoxicity by garlic: Role of endogenous antioxidants and inhibition of TNF-alpha expression. Some research shows that taking garlic alone does not reduce body weight in people with obesity. Wargovich, M. J., Uda, N., Woods, C., Velasco, M., and McKee, K. Allium vegetables: their role in the prevention of cancer. Some early population research suggests that eating more garlic might prevent multiple myeloma. View abstract. The antiatherosclerotic effect of Allium sativum. Wang, Y., Zhang, L., Moslehi, R., Ma, J., Pan, K., Zhou, T., Liu, W., Brown, L. M., Hu, Y., Pee, D., Gail, M. H., and You, W. Long-term garlic or micronutrient supplementation, but not anti-Helicobacter pylori therapy, increases serum folate or glutathione without affecting serum vitamin B-12 or homocysteine in a rural Chinese population. Razo-Rodriguez, A. C., Chirino, Y. I., Sanchez-Gonzalez, D. J., Martinez-Martinez, C. M., Cruz, C., and Pedraza-Chaverri, J. Garlic powder ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity and oxidative stress. Pharm.Res 1992;9(12):1668-1670. Pediatr Res 1993;34:805-8. Appl Environ.Microbiol 1996;62(11):4238-4242. Carcinogenesis 1996;17:477-84. Berspalov, V. G., Shcherbakov, A. M., Kalinovskii, V. P., Novik, V. I., Chepik, O. F., Aleksandrov, V. A., Sobenin, I. Suzuki Y, Saito J, Misa K, Fukuhara N, Fukuhara A, Munakata M. A case of black garlic-induced pneumonia as an adverse reaction. Bulb dermatitis. Srivastava KC, Bordia A, and Verma SK. View abstract. Helen, A., Krishnakumar, K., Vijayammal, P. L., and Augusti, K. T. A comparative study of antioxidants S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide and vitamin E on the damages induced by nicotine in rats. As people age, their arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch and flex. View abstract. In: Wagner H and Farnsworth NR. 2007;6:5. 2010;38(1):61-63. J Nutr 2001;131(3s):1106S-1108S. Kendler, B. S. Garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa): a review of their relationship to cardiovascular disease. Eight weeks of supplementation with a multi-ingredient weight loss product enhances body composition, reduces hip and waist girth, and increases energy levels in overweight men and women. Br J Dermatol. View abstract. Also Read - 5 diabetes-friendly snacks to curb hunger without sending your blood sugar soaring, Garlic is a staple ingredient in Indian households, and it is known for adding a unique touch to recipes. Ledezma E, DeSousa L, Jorquera A, et al. Controlled double-blind study of subjects with reduced HDL2-cholesterol]. Holden C. Fighting parasites with garlic. Breast Cancer Res Treat 1995;33:163-70. Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 1998;58:257-63.. View abstract. Early evidence suggests that applying a garlic 5% gel along with a topical steroid for 3 months increases hair growth in people with hair loss. Vaginal yeast infections. View abstract. Desai G, Schelske-Santos M, Nazario CM, et al. Effect of garlic and fish-oil supplementation on serum lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in hypercholesterolemic men. Experientia 2-15-1996;52(2):115-120. View abstract. Planta Med 1994;60(3):214-217. Tong XF and Cheng HS. View abstract. View abstract. View abstract. 1993;37(5):316-322. Plengvidhya, C., Sitprija, S., Chinayon, S., Pasatrat, S., and Tankeyoon, M. Effects of spray dried garlic preparation on primary hyperlipoproteinemia. View abstract. A case of anaphylaxis after garlic ingestion: Is alliinase the only culprit allergen? (Hradec.Kralove) 2001;44(3):97-100. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. Hype about glucosamine. J Ethnopharmacol. Nutr Rev 2013;71:282-99. Huang, J., Frohlich, J., and Ignaszewski, A. P. The impact of dietary changes and dietary supplements on lipid profile. Some early research suggests that taking garlic oil macerate does not improve lung function, symptoms, or the need for antibiotics in children with cystic fibrosis. Wang BH, Zuzel KA, Rahman K, Billington D. Treatment with aged garlic extract protects against bromobenzene toxicity to precision cut rat liver slices. View abstract. View abstract. Garlic as a possible risk for postoperative bleeding. View abstract. Does garlic alter the lipid pattern in normal volunteers? Exp Ther Med. 2007;25(4):164-168. Arch Iran Med 1999;2:19-23. Protein rich foods According to Dr. Rupali Datta, "Proteins from eggs, meat fish and chicken or from vegetarian sources like dals, paneer or besan help control blood sugar levels.Whole dals like rajma, Kabuli chana, sabut moong, and masoor are recommended at least once daily. Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 20 (Contract 290-97-0012 to the San Antonio Evidence-based Practice Center based at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and the Veterans Evidence-based Research, Dissemination, and Implementation Center, a Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development Center of Excellence). 2015;24(4):575-82. View abstract. View abstract. Tokyo, Japan: Springer-Verlag;1997. 2005;19(1):84-89. Antiviral constituents from Allium sativum. View abstract. Athlete's foot (Tinea pedis). Nutr Res 1987;7:139-49. Sivam, G. P. Protection against Helicobacter pylori and other bacterial infections by garlic. Aged garlic extract with supplement is associated with increase in brown adipose, decrease in white adipose tissue and predict lack of progression in coronary atherosclerosis. J Nutr 2001;131(3s):1006S-1009S. 2019;181(6):591-602. The antiatherosclerotic effect of Allium sativum. View abstract. Ernst, E. Complementary/alternative medicine for hypertension: a mini-review. Klin.Med (Mosk) 2001;79(11):55-58. View abstract. Some medications changed by this liver include lovastatin (Mevacor), ketoconazole (Nizoral), itraconazole (Sporanox), fexofenadine (Allegra), triazolam (Halcion), and many others. A., Sereda, E. V., Borodina, L. I., and Studenikin, M. I. Budoff, M. J., Takasu, J., Flores, F. R., Niihara, Y., Lu, B., Lau, B. H., Rosen, R. T., and Amagase, H. Inhibiting progression of coronary calcification using Aged Garlic Extract in patients receiving statin therapy: a preliminary study. 2005;57(5):623-630. A., and Pivovarova, E. M. Direct anti-atherosclerosis-related effects of garlic. View abstract. Jain, R. C. Effect of garlic on serum lipids, coagulability and fibrinolytic activity of blood. Contact Dermatitis 2002;47(1):48. View abstract. Urol.Int. Koscielny J, Klussendorf D, Latza R, and et al. Early evidence suggests that taking allicin, a chemical in garlic, daily for 14 days can reduce muscle soreness after exercise in athletes. Phytother.Res. View abstract. Atherosclerosis 1998;139:333-9. Garlic might reduce how much isoniazid (Nydrazid, INH) the body absorbs. Ip C, Lisk DJ. Ambati, S., Yang, J. Y., Rayalam, S., Park, H. J., Della-Fera, M. A., and Baile, C. A. Ajoene exerts potent effects in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by inhibiting adipogenesis and inducing apoptosis. Potential value of plants as sources of new antifertility agents I. J Pharm Sci 1975;64:535-98. Daily supplementation with aged garlic extract, but not raw garlic, protects low density lipoprotein against in vitro oxidation. 1990;68(2):163-169. JAMA 2001;285(1):41-42. Heart 2000;83(suppl 2):A4. J Nutr.Biochem. Int.J.Clin.Pharmacol.Ther. View abstract. Garlic-induced hepatotoxicity following liver transplantation. View abstract. Plast Reconstr Surg 1995;95:213. View abstract. View abstract. Cancer Res 1994;54:2390-2397. Athletic performance. View abstract. AIDS 2013;27:1361-2. Subramanian P, Sundaresan S, and Manivasagam T. Influence of garlic extract on temporal characteristics of lipid peroxidation products and antioxidants in tumor-bearing rats. 2002;132(6):1165-1168. Adachi, A. Am J Emerg.Med 1997;15(5):548. Br.J.Nutr. Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma with associated platelet dysfunction from excessive garlic ingestion: a case report. Taking garlic by mouth for H. pylori infection used to look promising due to laboratory evidence showing potential activity against H. pylori. View abstract. 2006;20(6):504-510. An unusual case of HIV virologic failure during treatment with boosted atazanavir. 2020;34(11):2953-2962. There are plenty of natural remedies that can help alleviate the risk, garlic tea being one of those. “Diabetes is when your blood sugar or glucose levels are higher than normal. Byrne, D. J., Neil, H. A., Vallance, D. T., and Winder, A. F. A pilot study of garlic consumption shows no significant effect on markers of oxidation or sub-fraction composition of low-density lipoprotein including lipoprotein(a) after allowance for non-compliance and the placebo effect. View abstract. Applying a gel containing 0.6% ajoene, a chemical in garlic, twice daily for one week seems to be as effective as antifungal cream for treating ringworm. Mukherjee, M., Das, A. S., Das, D., Mukherjee, S., Mitra, S., and Mitra, C. Effects of garlic oil on postmenopausal osteoporosis using ovariectomized rats: comparison with the effects of lovastatin and 17beta-estradiol. Swelling (inflammation) and sores inside the mouth (oral mucositis). View abstract. Kasuga, S., Uda, N., Kyo, E., Ushijima, M., Morihara, N., and Itakura, Y. Pharmacologic activities of aged garlic extract in comparison with other garlic preparations. Fedder, S. L. Spinal epidural hematoma and garlic ingestion. Lissiman, E., Bhasale, A. L., and Cohen, M. Garlic for the common cold. Durak I, Yilmaz E Devrim E Perk H Kacmaz. 2009;146(1):110-111. Prostaglandins Leukot.Essent.Fatty Acids 1995;53(6):397-400. 2003;3(10-11):1483-1489. View abstract. Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol. 2004;53(3-4):39-45. 2007;14(7-8):447-451. View abstract. Chemical burn caused by topical application of garlic under occlusion. Zhang, X. H., Lowe, D., Giles, P., Fell, S., Board, A. R., Baughan, J. Indian J Exp Biol 1982;20(7):534-536. Suppression of avian hepatic lipid metabolism by solvent extracts of garlic: impact on serum lipids. Rohner A, Ried K, Sobenin IA, Bucher HC, Nordmann AJ. Khodavandi, A., Alizadeh, F., Harmal, N. S., Sidik, S. M., Othman, F., Sekawi, Z., and Chong, P. P. Expression analysis of SIR2 and SAPs1-4 gene expression in Candida albicans treated with allicin compared to fluconazole. Indian J Dermatol.Venereol.Leprol. Alder, R., Lookinland, S., Berry, J. Oi, Y., Kawada, T., Shishido, C., Wada, K., Kominato, Y., Nishimura, S., Ariga, T., and Iwai, K. Allyl-containing sulfides in garlic increase uncoupling protein content in brown adipose tissue, and noradrenaline and adrenaline secretion in rats. Planta Med 1992;58:8-13. Lipids 1997;32:1055-1060. Eur.J Epidemiol. Lipids Health Dis. J Epidemiol 1999;9:297-305. Forsch.Komplementmed. View abstract. Some research has found that people who eat more garlic AND onions have a lower risk of breast cancer. View abstract. But the effect seems to be small. Journal of Medical Sciences 2008;85-89. View abstract. View abstract. View abstract. Diet and other risk factors for laryngeal cancer in Shanghai, China. Shakeel, M., Trinidade, A., McCluney, N., and Clive, B. Complementary and alternative medicine in epistaxis: a point worth considering during the patient's history. 2005;17(3):60-64. View abstract. Zhang S, Gu Y, Wang L, et al. View abstract. Arzneimittelforschung 1993;43:978-81. 2009;32(3):191-203. J Nutr 2001;131:1032S-40S.. View abstract. Antimicrobial effects of Allium sativum L. (garlic), Allium ampeloprasum L. (Elephant garlic), and Allium cepa L. (Onion), garlic compounds and commercial garlic supplement products.

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