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Now millions being spent to catch a mad run away horse He was black like me. WHO GOES TO A SHOP LITERALLY OR FIGURATIVELY EVERYDAY UNLESS AN ALCOHOLIC. Our government should finally dismiss half of the civil servants without notice and cut the salaries of the rest by 50 percent. It just waiting for you to come home. But a nice, fat, juicy former Cabinet Minister garners plenty of press. We have discussed this so many times, it is nit about the amount. Force to beg or to dumpster dive? Yes, we had a sex party and they paid me for my time with them. We can’t wait on the agencies like WHO, FDA and CDC to tell us what treatments they have approved for us to use. Tasker remains on $200 000 bail with a surety; his passport stays in the custody of the court; he continues to report to the Glebe Police Station every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday and is on a 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. People talk at elegant dinner and cocktail parties, people talk at modest restaurants, people talk at fast food places, people talk at the beach, at their children’s schools, people talk at their place of worship, people talk at weddings and funerals, people talk at corner shops and rum shops, people talk at gas stations, people talk at fetes and limes. A report incorrectly completed by a laboratory technician, a nurse, a doctor can become the breaking point and lead to greater stress for the entire nation. If the situation was not so grave, the entire episode would be laughable. Trinidad’s, Guyana’s and Suriname’s current relations with Venezuela, Adrian Loveridge Column – Poor Service by Foreign Banks, Kemar Stuart on IMF Reform to Public Service Pension System, Dr. Ronnie Yearwood Delivers the Errol Barrow Memorial Lecture 2021, Sweet Sunday Sermon – An exegesis of 1 PETER 2:2. Next thing is I heard the goverment doctor on the radio today saying there is no community spread, so let me ask Him one question? When you upgrade to Crunchbase Pro, you can access unlimited search results, save to custom lists or to Salesforce, and get notified when new companies, people, or deals meet your search criteria. Dr. Larder made the observation, in a most diplomatic way, that he was concerned about the “quality” of information reaching the public. Then you have the business people saying that sales are way down on last year so far this year hence so would foot traffic be, why then push to go back to the ABC nonesence ? If by your own admission today you have not found patient Zero and as a result have not been able to contact trace the infections back to the said patient Zero, then how in God’s name can you say there is no community spread? @David January 9, 2021 1:54 PM If they don’t then i will simply ignore your data and draw my own conclusions. In our little city there is no transparency, seldom will you hear where the cases have come from what, or where to avoid just cases are up better hide. You have to treat people and manage as best as you can until it blows over. (1) Forcing people to shop responsibly. He (Trump) is well aware of this fact. While they are not prepared to call community spread until the call is made decisions taken must factor worse case scenario. While Hospital Director David Leacock nor Minister of Health and Wellness Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic or Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Kenneth George could be reached for comment tonight, a source inside the Black Rock, St Michael mental health institution disclosed that the colleagues are currently in isolation as other staffers undergo testing and await results. Parroting politicians and their self-absorbed bullshit caused 5 deaths in US, continue listening to the sihite politicians spew at the risk of ending ya own lives. Can you see him sitting at a table with a wife and some hungry children and him saying “life before work” or “life before money” . What is the covid rate in ur city/country/cuntry. If the trend continued down then she had the meeting with the partners and made he decision on consultation. Some of those concerns centred around the classification of “community spread”, greater clarity on the “COVID clusters” and the interconnectedness between these clusters. THE OVERWEIGHT WOMAN DID SAY GIVE ME THE VOTE AND WATCH MUH. After his transfer to Alcatraz prison, his mental and physical condition deteriorated from paresis (a late stage of syphilis) A senior police official said yesterday: “The police have not been able to locate Mikeala at the address which she gave. Waru you skin your knees on that hotel wall? It’s that simple as I am neither a sheep or a trump loyalist. (Some may recall that the U.S once sought the extradition of a certain Sir. CDC has activated its Emergency Operations Center to better provide ongoing support to the 2019-nCoV response. 2000 numbers and a slow response gives a false and misleading reading to the public Yes its my cuntry and always will be no matter where i go or how bad it is. All the principles have been set out in the case done by former Chief Justice Sir Marston Gibson,” he said. He may now pursue his right to appeal and draw out the process. Why doesnt mia offer barbados up for phase 3 testing for covid vaccines then you wouldnt get just 4. – The have adequate testing in place. If, for example, the health authorities said 10 people tested positive for coronavirus, they will say that’s too many people and ‘government’s’ policies failed. For that the government must take responsibility. BTW, he was patient 0.. MAYBE THE PIGEON CHICKENS ON THE 2 x 3 ISLAND HAS THE NEW COVID STRAIN. “WURA It can even save the inattentive and the unwary aggravation in terms of time, money, emotional anxiety and even personal liberty. He may not have agreed with his lawyers. According to the doctor, he is still waiting for a return call. Mr. Inniss apparently fired his trial counsel, for whatever reason(s). Outgoing president Donald Trump, in an awkward and objectionable way, is an effective communicator who has used his skills to convince a sizeable portion of the American electorate to see the world through his abhorrent prism. We have to be willing to modify old ass behaviours. The viru sis mutating. The indictment basically indicated Innes and Tasker used two ‘false invoices’ for consultancy services rendered, to facilitate the transfer of bribes payments to Inniss, in the amounts of $16,536.73 and $20,000, through a USA bank account in the name of his friend’s dental company, when that company did not transact any actual business with ICBL. His death at the age of 95 was announced by Barbados's prime minister, Mia Amor Mottley, at the country's independence day parade. Upon conviction in a Barbadian Court Mr. Inniss should be incarcerated in Dodds for the full 7 years and so should Mr. Tasker and Ms. Innes upon their convictions. I also would not have a curfew and stop public transport at 9 but I would have all businesses close their doors at 9pm outside the obvious exceptions like gas stations. Maybe the Bermuda parent saw benefit to contacting the authorities to protect its reputation down the road? All Cabinet members, members of Parliament, judges, magistrates, commisioners of police, heads of the military and other high level officials regardless of party affiliation should ALWAYS assume that they are being watched. You exposed yourself, and should take responsibility. So what Offering his opinion on some next steps for the Barbados Government, Larder recommended immediate testing to uncover whether the highly infectious British COVID variant was circulating in Barbados. On the matter of borders, in my mind, the greatest concern of most Barbadians, the star was unmoving in her view that more damage would be done by closure. But there were some other takeaways from today’s discussion. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. ( Log Out /  Furthermore, the medical expert called for greater clarity on data he described as “sketchy”. She added that four English-speaking lab technicians would be attached to the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory for extra hands. ( Log Out /  Dr. Jerome Walcott. Queen’s Counsel Andrew Pilgrim, who appeared with attorney Neville Reid, questioned the rush to hear Tasker’s matter, especially in light of the COVID-19 situation. What happens when you try to tinker with it like with the ABC nonesence, is that the water looks for somewhere else to go. Her Executor, following certain stereotypes, retained NY counsel to settle the Estate. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. When all is said and done these portocols have failed Blame the whole disaster on the civil servants OSA and Stuart hired to reduce unemployment. it wasn’t authentic. The notion that Minister Bostic and I can come here, or Minister Walcott, and talk is going to be difficult,” Mottley said. Fraudulent invoices I GUESS THEY ARE PUNCHING AGAINST THEIR WEIGHT IN WHITE SHADOWS GREED AND THEIR OWN STUPIDITY. It is only through this, that the team will secure the credibility it requires from the Barbadian public. We also have a situation where employees from government departments, banks, credit unions and various other business establishments that tested positive for COVID-19. having consultations is to prevent the accusation of it being a unilateral decision. I stand by my opinion. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Both ladies are still alive. Barbadians may have voted 30-0, but they are not stupid! I mean do we really know whether Donville is a double agent? “We learned today from Dr. Larder that he volunteered his vast expertise to the Government of Barbados in its COVID battle. The star called on all the experts only to “show” that she knows more than they. Go figure. Please let the medical and other professional personages do their work and you can take a bow, the Oscar goes to? (GP) Grantley Adams was not colored. We can no longer afford the luxury of the state employing those who are not good enough for the private sector. As long as you ensure the flow in is equal to the capacity of funnel there is no overflow. ( Log Out /  Questioned rush The backlash from these portocols when told by people who came to barbados would give barbados a big black eye one that will be hard to recover “There was no impediment to (the US Government) bringing this matter at any time earlier than now and I believe all of what is disclosed to me was in their bosom for some time,” Pilgrim told the court. —–*—— I read a post in which one of them wrote, 500 people tested positive for COVID-19 in two days. Maybe I have been reading too much Ian Flemming. Police and immigration officials have been looking for Jamaican Mikeala Jacas, who was sneaked into a West Coast hotel by two British tourists for a night of sex. Cases are greatly on the decline No need to panic and overreact. Above and beyond lets pray that God remove the stubbornness that has hardened Mia heart and which has given way for COVID to make way across the lives of many barbadians. However that can translate to local transmission as total adds up She was white Bajan born and raised. Sex worker skips island after West Coast threesome Developing guidance for clinicians for testing and management of 2019-nCoV, as well as guidance for home care of patients with 2019-nCoV. He said he was not interested in “what the US do, what they didn’t do or what they should do” but in the bundle before him that had sufficient to go ahead with the extradition. Well plenty gasoline has been poured on to the fire While originally thought to be spreading from animal-to-person, there are growing indications that limited person-to-person spread is happening. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley during a press conference, December 31, 2020. Meanwhile, the extradition hearing in Canada against Ingrid Innes, charged out of the same circumstances, is set for February 3 via video conference. Erskine Sandiford’s wife is black Jamaican. If the count is 4, they’ll say the ‘government’ is falsifying reports. Included for the public appetite was the promise of a question and answer session with the Prime Minister. Your response at 11:27am just further proves that you’re a clown. The country Barbados will have to carry on its back this now internationally-known monkey which has powdered its country’s face with this petty act of corrupting shame to last for a long time to come. Home / Top Featured Article / Psychiatric Hospital latest site of COVID-19 cases. Dr. Larder made the observation, in a most diplomatic way, that he was concerned about the “quality” of information reaching the public. My lawyer friend advised me that his matter only resolved after some intense legal skirmishing and the lawyer was persuaded to disgorge the proceeds. It seems as though they wake up each and every morning with a specific, orchestrated mission, to focus on every and anything that’s negative in Barbados, even if they have to manipulate information to serve that particular purpose. Most of us were following protocol. Mottley also revealed that Government purchased a mobile lab from the Chinese and it was just a matter of the logistics of getting it here. And, we are also faced with the reality that people are not fully adhering to the protocols. However, it has only recently been revealed that the US has started extradition proceedings against her. the talk now about bringing back the ABC is to to avoid what you just called it – a knee jerk reaction. The point @David is making is the salient one. It is not my job. Came home in a car with an Emerald City worker inside. Support your comment. The clowns in Barbados will try to twist the words to suit their lies, misdirection and misinformaton as usual, cause they’re yet to develop or create anything that doesn’t turn into instant shit. Time to turn Barbados into the Singapore of the Caribbean! The facts we are being given do not warrant the action being taken. this from the Caribbean Life news article I posted His second wife is black Bajan. The costar from Health stolid to the point of melancholic gave a version of an organization that made Mottley’s treatment of Maria Agard, Lucille Moe, George Payne high points in political administration. The hotels too must take some responsibility. I am not hoping for the worst. Innes, a Guyanese national, was charged in 2019 by the US Department of Justice with three counts of money laundering and bribery, along with co-accused Barbadian Alex Tasker and former Government minister Donville Inniss. The traffic in these places is way down on last year as well and the businesses do not need another unnecessary hurdle to deal with when it is not cAlled for. The US alleges that Innes and Tasker made the offer to have Inniss use his official position as the Minister of Industry to renew the Barbados Investment and Development Corporation’s insurance contracts with ICBL. Nothing on co-charged Mrs Innes, who resigned from ICBL early in 2017, and much later (based on social media posts) returned home to Canada. COMMON SENSE AND NOT DOLLARS WOULD BE TO STOP ALL INCOMING TRAVEL FROM UK AT LEAST FOR SOME PERIOD OF TIME. It’s unclear how easily this virus is spreading between people. “There is the question on the table – do we have players at BIDC culpable? ABC QUEUING SHIT WILL NOT STOP FOOLISHNESS AND BAD DECISIONS BY BLP GOVERNMENT WHILST RISKING THE LIVES OF LOCALS. We also seek a pledge that this newly formed Communications Team will be transparent, providing full and accurate information without the political filters. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today confirmed the first case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in the United States in the state of Washington. Sorry but can’t agree with you on this one. “Our nursing office as we speak…the main entrance…they had implemented the protocols from before, where the nurses sign in on the ward to minimize face-to-face contact in the nursing office. of the Government can be a little stronger and better on this issue, in particular from the Ministry of Health. So he done with the computer for now! Should local authorities have acted to investigate/arrest locals by now? Innes, a Guyanese, was charged in 2019 with three counts of money laundering and bribery, along with Tasker and former Government minister Donville Inniss. Quarantine facilities should be centralized and policed with non discretionary fines. Not doing exchanges. It is also important to Caribbean politicians as a whole, not just those a previous P.M described as a bunch of “wild boys”, or those who would kill and feast on “the fatted calf”. New team on health issues Last October 5, Canadian officials granted authority to the United States to proceed with extradition charges against Ingrid Innes, the former chief executive officer of the Insurance Corporation of Barbados (ICBL), now resident in Canada. “On November 25, 2020, Ms Innes had her first appearance before the Superior Court in Toronto and the matter was remanded to January 13, 2021.” Not the bus crawl the bus crawl is just one of the many other catalyst that open up the spiket allowing the virus to make a mad dash on many Barbadian households, “Howevr i hope that all the irresponsible people on that bus crawl and the event on the West Coast and any others tourist or local feel the full weight of the law.”. So what is the reaction instead, you decide to go back to the alphabet nonesence. During the Inniss trial, under oath, the BF&M CEO, and ICBL Chair, Wight; denied knowing anything about the payments. But where exactly did we go wrong? Mariposa you do not tirr writing dhite all day every day.You are worse than the overseas doom and gloomers hoping for the worse for Barbados.Then claiming you csre about the poor black man.The first thing you should be doing is praising the frontline workers like the doctors and the nurses for the tireless work they are doing.Instead you like the political nightwatchmen trying to play petty politics with a serious situation.Let the nightwatchman tell us her solutions.I mean they could not even get the shite off the south coast how the hell would they have handle this situation.I praises Mottly and her team every day for their leadership in this scenario.We are still here standing i am confident we will overcome this.Howevr i hope that all the irresponsible people on that bus crawl and the event on the West Coast and any others tourist or local feel the full weight of the law. AGAIN I WILL REPEAT LIVE IN A CITY WITH SEVERAL MILLION PEOPLE, NO LOCK DOWN, NO CURFEW AND DEFINITELY NO ALPHABET SOUP. On the latter point we have already reached Asian levels thanks to Mia Mottley and Charles Jong. in toronto second month of lockdown, case keep rising,people not listening anymore, they hearing blah blah stay apart. From the look on his face, Lt. Col. Bostic is a worried man, and it is not about the star’s continually taking the spot light from him but because he appears genuinely concerned about the state of affairs. Spot on. ” There’s no getting around it — lockdown measures don’t seem to be working in Ontario and Quebec the second time around. There is a break between those you traced and patient Zero and none of you can say definitely how may persons make up that untraced gap. We are therefore pleased that Prime Minister Mia Mottley is now including BAMP as a special partner in the COVID fight. The question remains, WHO knew WHAT and WHEN. “We have been in contact with the Cuban government and we have requested a number of additional doctors and specialists – two communicable disease specialists, two respiratory disease specialists, two intensive care specialists, two anaesthesiologists and a respiratory therapist.” You are really wondering why they ordered the money to be paid in to them?????? (As an aside, it is gratifying to read of the new Chief Justice, Cheltenham, cautioning new members of the Bar to refrain from borrowing their clients’ funds). Larder, is one of the world’s leading experts in the fields of HIV drug resistance and pharmacogenomics, his seminal work has been on resistance to the AIDS drug AZT while he worked as Head of Clinical Virology for global pharma company Glaxo Wellcome. HOWEVER RESEARCHERS LATER LEARNED THAT IT HAD BEEN IN USA AROUND NOVEMBER 2019 WITH FIRST HOSPITALIZED PATIENT IN CALIFORNIA 2019 AND THAT CHINA TRAVELERS IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND UNSUSPECTING THROUGHOUT THE USA BEFORE THE ALARM WAS MADE MONTHS LATER MARCH/APRIL 2020 TO WEAR MASKS, SANITIZE, SOCIAL DISTANCE HOWEVER BY THIS TIME HAD SPREAD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY UNDETECTED. WEAR MASKS, AND SANITIZE HAS BEEN THE ORDER OFF THE DAY. It quoted her as saying: “Yes, I was with them two, Andrew and Julia. To go to the ABC nonesence is a knee jerk reaction not based on the data being presented. It really is that simple. Also listed on the indictment was, on August 17, 2015 a wire transfer in the amount of US$16,536.73 from a “Bermuda Company” (BF&M) account in Bermuda, to a bank account of a bank in Elmont, New York, in the name of Inniss’ friend’s dental practice. I forgot to add is also causes people to stock pile items for fear that they may run out before their next shopping day as was evident last time they used it. The govt more interested in doing damage control than being truthful We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. @Artax The star must explain more damage to whom or to what? Also starring was the man in charge of the prison and whether or not the defense force and police officers visit the establishment no one goes in or no one leaves. It appears that they have found the universal answer in a single word. ( Log Out /  We got a gap in the trace and nobody can say how many people make up this gap. Did your adopted cuntry close it borders? Currently, testing for this virus must take place at CDC, but in the coming days and weeks, CDC will share these tests with domestic and international partners Them two always crowded no matter what time you go. Covid Facts You Didn't Know and Why you Should Protest Lockdowns, Sweet Sunday Sermon - 2 Timothy 2 versus 7-13, Sweet Sunday Sermon – 2 Timothy 2 versus 7-13, Senator Caswell Franklyn Speaks – Hail Caesar Mia Mottley, Dictator of Barbados, Post Covid 19 World Demands New Approaches from Government and Private Sector, Sweet Sunday Sermon – Philosophy of teaching: 2 Timothy 2 versus 2. PCR TEST INVENTOR (and Nobel prize winner) KARY MULLIS BASHES FAUCI Feed in opposing pieces of data and a few always come to the same conclusion, the government is wrong. If you need urgent groceries and it is not your alphabet day, most people will just get a neighbour to buy the products for them. I ain’t no sheep and I don’t follow no shepherd regardless to the colour coat he got on. This is an important segue to an examination of our handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the explosion of cases in the dying days of 2020 and in the New Year. IMO you need to drink some cold water/ coolaid. She is an absolutely fantastic communicator but the COVID-19 battle, Prime Minister, has to be seen as apolitical. Like Like. You are right though people shouldn’t be coming down and putting locals at risk .I cancelled my usual trip this year even though every day I get emails from air canada ,west jet ,terra etc wanting me to go . Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Should there be an attempt to signal the population or cannot be business as usual? obviously it is not ur so why the hell you dont STFO of its business and just worry about you adopted heaven. I believe it is too soon for government to make any reasonable assessments and, as a result, reintroducing the ABC protocol is perhaps a precautionary measure. If you force me to shop on a schedule, I am going to spend longer in the place to make sure I get everything I might want because I know I can’t just nip back if I get home and realize I forget something. Owen Arthur’s first wife was black Jamaican. I knew it wasn’t the right thing to do but I felt I had no choice, so I did what the CEO wanted,” she told the court. Once I agree with MARIPOSA, BARBADOS IN FULL DAMAGE CONTROL MODE and trying to catch up to Europe and North America COVID OUTBREAKS. Today’s Editorial NO CURFEWS, NO LOCKDOWNS, NO CLOSING OF SUPERMARKETS, NO CLOSING OF PHARMACIES, NO ABC SHITE. A question now remains and should be asked Do you think a fisherman with a single line can stop fishing because there is are (sharks) in the water? Hopefully, Inniss, Tasker and/or any possible corruptocrat will emerge sadder, wiser and chastened, by experience. Lynden Pindling – the Bahamas – to face trial In the U.S.  Mr. Bouterse’s – Suriname – problems may also come to mind. A Cabinet Minister is always a nice, big, fat, juicy catch. Heard Mottley speaking of what govt officials would be vaccinated but no mention of herself being vaccinated (unless she must) i wonder why. What will be interesting is when Innes and Tasker give evidence in the US court on how the payments were authorised. Was management or the Board squeezed? Which will it be, Extend the PAUSE or REOPEN? Barbados will soon have a dedicated health communications team to better inform the country about all matters related to the spread and treatment of COVID-19. Change ). The patient from Washington with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection returned to the United States from Wuhan on January 15, 2020. Health experts say Canada’s hardest-hit provinces have consistently failed to contain the spread of COVID-19 with inadequate, poorly timed restrictions, leaving little choice but for much more draconian rules to be introduced.

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