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which of the following statements about creativity is most true

25. Joining two unrelated things into an idea is a creative … D) Practical … Older people are more creative than younger people. answer choices . Although it is probably the smallest part of the five steps, it is possible one of the most important parts. Since the early 1900s, the goal of maintaining a stable marriage has. a. A. Over the years, researchers have found that the REM sleep cycle boosts our creativity and problem-solving abilities, providing us with innovative ideas or answers to vexing dilemmas when we awaken. In the context of the theories of intelligence, which of the following statements is true of creative people? Not all advertising campaigns that have won creative awards have successfully generated sales for their clients' products. C. reductions in creativity. PSY exam 3 - Which of the following statements about creativity is most accurate Creativity declines with age Older people are more creative than, 6 out of 7 people found this document helpful. B) Educational attainment is a stronger predictor than IQ of occupational success and income. B. One definition of creativity is the process of bringing something new into being. Which of the following is true of creative people and thinking? 2. ", "We have to look for the underlying principle of truth in every situation. B. 9. Sam also knows Hannah very well, and realizes that she is not. They can be easily changed to programmable automation if necessary OC. C. Constraints are easily overcome with creative thinking. a. is less likely to occur when there is a lot of status difference between members. b) ill-defined problems cannot be solved using recursive communication processes. Scholarly interest in creativity is found in a number of disciplines, primarily psychology, business studies, … They use mechanical means such as cams and gears to accomplish tasks OD. Sleep on it. Creative thinking is the ability to consider something in a new way. A.One factor that is closely related to creativity is intelligence. This preview shows page 1 - 4 out of 20 pages. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. This preview shows page 182 - 191 out of 223 pages. asked Mar 16, 2016 in Psychology by Rioux. B. GHB. T B. decisions are complex and complete information is unavailable. c. Creativity declines as we get older and is a function of chronological age. ", "There are usually three sides to every issue: black, white, and gray. b. D. ketamine. Creativity depends on one's intention and determination to be creative Not everything has to make sense right away. A. "What's right is right, and what's wrong is wrong. Some people are motivated to be creative by the promise of external rewards. D. Most constraints are internal factors. Which of the following is a true statement about constraints? an in-house agency. Constraints must be accepted, avoided, or mitigated. Note: This step doesn't replace your introduction – it's part of your introduction. The peak of creativity is reached by the 20s. Kelli looked up the 1994 sexual survey, conducted by Robert Michael and his colleagues and found that ___ of married men have, Bethany's doctor informs her she has an STI. Other people should then implement these. D. lasting impairments in reasoning and memory. a. Which of the following statements is true of fixed-automation devices? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Creative thinking includes analysis, open-mindedness, problem-solving, organization, and communication. C. Creativity and academic excellence are closely linked. c) ill-defined problems have unique and Perfect Solutions to … A. Clichés should never be used in creative writing. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting).. European-American men tend to remarry sooner than women do, but this is not the case. d. people’s approach and process will both change. A. D. Employees tend to be more creative if a tight deadline is set Creativity declines with age. 16 Statements to Answer Not at All Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often ; 1 Creative people should specialize in coming up with lots of ideas. They aren't used in modern factories. Using something in a new way is a creative trait. MGMT 325 (CRN 32163)_Sample Questions For Mid Term Exam.docx, Institute of Management Technology • BUS 5602, University of North Carolina, Charlotte • MGMT 3, DS-Review Test Submission_ Ch3 Quiz - 201910 Fall 2018 08_.._.pdf, University of Houston, Downtown • GBA 5202, University of Houston, Downtown • MBA 5202. for other ethnic groups in the United States. A. it is not possible to improve one’s level of creativity B. creative people are quite eccentric and unconventional in most every aspect of life C. creative people score high in the personality dimension of openness D. creative people engage in convergent thinking when a creative solution is needed 91. Which of the following statements about expertise and creativity is true? D.Cognitive complexity is an important aspect of creativity. A. • c. Creativity can involve combining objects intended for it is not possible to improve one’s level of creativity. The third stage is what most of the public think is a classic signal or sign of a creative person, what is called the INSIGHT stage or the insight step. b. results in good decisions. Certain clichés are okay to use, while others are not. Most people would most likely be unaware that as humans we have developed a natural bias against creative thinking, which interferes with our ability to recognize a creative … (p. 259) Which of the following statements is true about the use of creativity in an advertising campaign? creative people are quite eccentric and unconventional in most every aspect of life. Many employers value creative thinkers, so consider highlighting your creative thinking skills on your resume and in interviews. A creative person does things never done before. Exit Which of the following statements is true? Kelli is thinking about marrying Ron. Which of the following is also true of adolescent prosocial behavior? 2. Who of the following is most likely to experience emerging adulthood? Which of the following statements about creativity is true? European-American women tend to remarry sooner then men, but this is not the case for. c. should be encouraged. The creative decision-making process is one where problem identification is followed by immersion, incubation and then illumination and finally verified and applied. b. people’s process will remain the same, but their approach will change. which of the following statements is true about ill-defined problems? ", "To find truth, we need to look at the full context and what people know and understand, Hannah understands her husband very well. Which of the following statements about creativity is not true? d. Creativity relies on a variety of factors, and can continue well into late adulthood. B. a. The following video, How to Stimulate the Creative Process, identifies six strategies to stimulate your creative thinking. Which of the following statements about creativity is true? Which of the following statements is TRUE about creativity? The most important factor that determines whether or not a student will finish high school is. Louise is most likely using A. amphetamines. FALSE. Relative to age, creativity is based on the field in which it is demonstrated. B)They appreciate art and music. O A. She knows that on Sundays he likes to watch, football on television, so she often arranges play-dates for their kids so she can leave him, alone to watch the games. As an American, which is she most likely to, Regarding the frequency with which Americans have sex, the 1994 Sex in America. The fundamental unit of value in the creative revolution is artistic ability. Which of the following statements is true with regards to creativity? Which of the following factors is NOT associated with an increase in divorce? c. people’s approach and process will both remain the same. Which of the following is true of creative people and thinking? c. Creative people usually begin making contributions in their chosen career field almost immediatety d. Which of the following is TRUE of creativity? Indicate whether the following statement is true or false: The five stages of the creative process include preparation, incubation, insight, evaluation, and elaboration. Adult expertise often interferes with creativity. Creative advertising always has a positive impact on sales. answer choices . ... Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false. A)They accept their limitations. The _____ model of decision making occurs when decision makers make small. The most important thing to realize about creativity is that only a very few people possess it. B. b. Which of the following statements about creativity is most accurate? a. people’s approach will remain the same, but their process will change. C. The most important thing to consider with the use of clichés is balance. A) Creative intelligence is similar to crystallized intelligence. View Answer creative people score high in the personality dimension of openness. Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something somehow new and somehow valuable is formed. Kingsborough Community College, CUNY • PSY 32. B.Traditional tests are a good way to gauge an individual's creativity. Which of the following is NOT one of the steps toward a more creative life as identified by Csikszentmihalyi? Lack of flexibility, long-term objectivity, and creativity are a few of the reasons why a company might move away from: it has multiple divisions and many different products. Most constraints are external and out of project manager's control. TRUE. In your opening, you should also establish your credibility (see The Rhetorical Triangle for tips), state your purpose, and let the audience know what to expect. Mature creativity simply requires originality. C)They adhere to social norms and take popular stands. A process in which group members generate as many ideas about a problem as. Which of the following statements is true about account services? Which of the following statements is true regarding IQ and occupational success? In order to be creative, a brainstorming session must: _____ is the concept that decision makers cannot be truly rational because. survey found that there are ____ distinct groups. : 3 When I'm coming up with ideas, I find myself using phrases … other ethnic groups in the United States. Which of the following statements about creativity is true? the student's active engagement in schooling. a "morning person." 6. The creative process is characterized by the incubation period where the problem is set aside for a time period and illumination is the “eureka” moment when the decision is made. Older people are more creative than younger people. E. An award winning ad leads to higher sales as it is greatly liked and accepted by creative people. With insight it is really the idea of the ‘Aha’ moment, the ‘Eureka’ moment. Although expertise is necessary for creativity, creativity requires other qualities besides expertise Those who get an early start in creativity tend to peak and drop off sooner, whereas "late bloomers" reach their full stride at older ages. ... One common roadblock to developing creativity is the sense that curiosity is an indulgence. The peak of creativity is reached by the 20s. 3. Which of the following statements about creativity is most accurate? a) ill-defined problems can be solved using pre-approved procedures. Which of the following statements about creativity is true A The fundamental, 22 out of 26 people found this document helpful. Delivering Great Presentations provides a strong foundation for building the steps in Monroe's Motivated Sequence. John Gottman would say that Sam and Hannah have a good set of: Deborah Tannen analyzed the talk of men and women and found that compared with, women, men more commonly engage in _________ talk, because for men, talk is for, When couples divorce in the United States, they are most likely to do so during which. a. Creativity has contributed to advancements in science, technology, society, and the arts. Kelli is thinking about marrying Ron. C.Highly creative individuals show signs of convergent thinking. d. comes from a desire for unanimity. Which statement summarizes what William Perry (1999) believes about the cognitive. They can't be used in automation on flow lines. Relative to age, creativity is based on the field in which it is demonstrated. 2 If I have a problem, I allow myself to back off active problem solving, and I create some mental distance between myself and the issue. With regard to the timing of remarriage, in the United States: men tend to remarry sooner than women do. On Saturdays, Sam gets out of bed early without disturbing Hannah. • a. Which of the following statements is true of creativity? women tend to remarry sooner than men do. • b. Creativity involves the translation of unique gifts, talents and vision into some form of external reality that is new and usefulis new and useful. wakes up the kids, and watches cartoons on television with them while Hannah sleeps in. B. level displayed by the typical adolescent? decisions and move in piecemeal fashion toward a bigger solution. D)They use convergent thinking to solve problems. A) IQ is a stronger predictor than practical intelligence of on-the-job performance. Research indicates that marijuana use is associated with all of the following except A. severe withdrawal symptoms. Which of these statements is true? The fundamental unit of value in the creative revolution is artistic ability. Kelli asked Ron about his attitude on extramarital, sex, and Ron said he thought that it was wrong. 14. C. LSD. Because most advertising is creative, creativity is not enough to break through the clutter. C) Analytical intelligence is similar to Spearman's g factor of intelligence. B. motor impairment. B) Practical intelligence involves our ability to use original thinking to solve problems. D. Clichés are fine for reflective essays because they Girls show more prosocial behavior than boys typically do. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the sentence or statement true. Researchers have found that creativity does peak in adulthood and then declines.

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