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5 reasons why teachers should be armed

Created with Sketch. 2. More than half of teachers believe bringing guns into school would mean more risk, according to a new survey. Should Teachers Carry Guns In School Essay 1048 Words | 5 Pages. 04/10/2013 01:30pm EDT. What are the ramifications of armed teachers? 10 Reasons Why # Teachers Should not be Armed with # Guns # children # schools. 18 percent of teachers are willing to be armed. For us, survivors of the Stoneman Douglas Massacre, arming teachers is a horrific idea for the following reasons: Teachers cannot replace officers. Reply. Students may be in danger if teachers are allowed to carry guns because students could get a hold of the guns, the gun accidentally going off or even supplying students with ammo and weapons. In the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, a football coach by the name of Aaron Feis threw himself in the way of flying bullets to save his students. A lot of the concerns are based on the canard that ALL teachers would/should be armed. Should Teachers Be Armed With Guns? Created with Sketch. Police officers are not always going to be there on time. Should teachers be armed statistics? Others contend that that having a concealed weapon in school will only put the children more at risk. 10 Reasons Why Teachers Should not be Armed with Guns . Israel and Thailand actually encourage their teachers to carry weapons. Arming Teachers: Three Reasons Why Teachers Should Not Carry Guns In School. Additionally, arming teachers could act as a deterrent— if potential shooters knew teachers were armed, they may be less likely to carry out an attack. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons. The beloved coach was rushed to the hospital and later died from his wounds. This is about 2.5 % more than are. There are a couple of nitpicking points to make about the video. But if I'm a teacher and I have reason to believe the cops won't intervene in a school shooting, I might want to be armed. " Teachers should be able to carry a gun in school in order to help protect their students against an armed intruder. Safety in schools has become a huge issue. Like Reply. The process would be self selecting to some degree considering the livelihood of the teacher and the lives of the students are potentially at stake. In 14 US states, there are already schools in which some teachers carry guns. In some emergency situations they are the first to treat victims and stop possible shooters. If each teacher in the nation's elementary and secondary schools were to be armed, that would add 7 200 000 firearms to the total. By Slate. The Second Amendment could be a good starting point, but that’s a bit broad. After the shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School, states are considering legislation that would allow teachers to carry guns in schools. Many opponents worry that there’s too much potential for something to go wrong if you allow teachers to carry guns. Second if another teacher goes crazy and starts shooting kids then the teacher next door can step in and stop the attack. 10 Reasons Why #Teachers Should not be Armed with #Guns #children #schools “The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers, not guns,” said Kenneth S. Trump, President of National School Safety and Security Services, in response to the national discussion on arming teachers and school staff, and armed volunteers in schools. In fact, the safe answer is to indicate teachers should concealed carry … Created with Sketch. The Top 5 Reasons Teachers Should Be Armed … With Mobile Panic Buttons Entire Communities, Parents, Teachers and Administrators are all actively considering the challenge: How do we safely protect our students and staff? Created with Sketch. Thousands more would die, with that many firearms in the schools. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. State laws allowing the practice are also a great reference point on why weapons should be allowed in the classroom. I can have no idea.of.the many holsters and apparatuses there are for men amd woman. My answer is yes. While we can and should be doing more to help teachers develop a humane and competent sense of what it means to hold a position of power, a professional vision that is focused on the strengths and needs of each child is key to effective teaching. I belive that teachers should be armed for many reasons. First how many gunmen are going to attack a school when there's 50 teachers and staff packin heat? But why should it be allowed? Arming teachers would be a lesson in disaster, destined to bring about more tragedies and to leave our already damaged schools, educators, and children with more scars. Should Teachers Be Armed? You will find out why in this essay. Most schools have an emergency protocol when it com. Teachers should not have the ability to carry weapons while on school campus. There seems to be no foolproof way to secure schools from danger. It's an objection that MacFarlane said doesn't make sense. Some people may think not for their own various reasons. Why should time and money be spent on anything other than educating children? Last week, the NRA released its National School Shield Task Force Proposal. With armed teachers, actions can be taken against the shooters almost immediately. Scoott Macedo says: June 6, 2019 at 1:56 am. My second reason as to why teachers should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon is that it has worked for other countries. Reviewing the Evidence. John Stossel and producer Maxim Lott made a video analyzing that question, and used CPRC research to do so. it would cost lives.. Hardin Guns and Teachers Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in school? There was an article in 2004 in the National Review that is about how Israel and Thailand are set examples of arming teachers. I didn’t want a gun as a … I understand why people don't like the armed teachers idea. DING DING DING, allow teachers/staff to be armed. Some argue that they have the right to protect their class, and if they are licensed and trained, they should be allowed. Donald Trump has said so – and suggested that those that don't might be inviting attacks on themselves. Teachers carrying guns may be a "terrible" or even a "ridiculous" idea to critics, but some school administrators are making the case for arming their staff. But until that happens, critical thinking suggests that we all exercise our second amendment rights, arm our teachers and school officials to ensure the safety of our children, voice our support and keep a close eye on anti-gun crusaders who want to make our decisions for us. The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) studied school districts that allow for armed teachers and staff from 2000-2018, and the consequences have yet to be seen. Created with Sketch. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties.Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. After the Parkland shooting, one school psychologist says that teachers should be armed to prevent more mass shootings in schools. I have been carrying a gun with a conceal carry permit for over 30 years and at no time have I had to leave my gun unintended or have I ever had a situation that I did not fitearm. 69% of all active shooter incidents end in 5 minutes or less. Should teachers and staff at schools be armed? Report Post. What are the main arguments against allowing teachers to carry guns at school? The reality of the situation should/would be more like Utah; where teachers with concealed carry permits are allowed to carry if they want to. 0. However, as noted in … So arm the teachers. What is the best decision for our children? Safety in schools has become a huge issue. He faces opposition to the idea from those who believe that teachers should not be armed on school grounds. Joel Myrick, a former assistant principal who detained a campus gunman in 1997, outside his home in Pass Christian, Miss., on Tuesday. Trump advises school districts against allowing teachers and school staff to be armed. Yes, We Should Arm Teachers. Reason 01 Armed teachers and staff would allow a quicker response when school attacks occur. Why should teachers be armed combatants? Created with Sketch. Having someone on scene to respond immediately is critical to addressing the shooter. Administrations are considering how well they are currently prepared to respond to strangers on campus, weapons in school, arguments, verbal threats and bullying. Created with Sketch. A school should be a safe haven where children can learn and grow. Colorado teachers are learning gun skills. If they allow teachers to carry guns there will be some positive effects towards protecting students from shooters. Written by Ken Corbett for Slate . Should teachers be armed with killing machines? There may be some teachers (e.g., ex-military or police) who may be well suited to protect their young charges. The numbers do not lie. How many schools in the US have armed teachers? Created with Sketch. This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every persons position on topics equally. Then it is time for teachers to be armed, locked, loaded, and ready to end a killing spree before dozens more die. By arming teachers, we are setting up a playing field that is automatically uneven. Students should have guns too. More information on concealed handguns at schools is available here. Arming teachers would not save lives. Educators should consider themselves as first responders. already out there. There are two very opposing sides to this argument. Should teachers have the option to carry a gun and defend their classrooms?

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