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can dogs see spirits yahoo answers

Do you think dogs can see spirits/ghosts? 10 Answers. I have one dog that seems to see things but the others don't. Some dog whisltes provide the same effect. The people who dont believe are the ones that dont have … Theres also the chance that you're dog has a neurological disorder making him scared - or making them think they seen something when they actually didnt - but thats slim. Hmm. Still have questions? A friend of mine has a dog that is scared of electric guitars, even if they aren't plugged in. do you think my dog can see my nana? My dad passed away in my house, but upstairs - not in the basement apartment. I've read a lot about spirits (or ghosts if you would prefer) and it seems children are far more prone to seeing them and dogs or cats will often stare in a direction of a room and either wag their tail or growl. what are examples of Russian fairy tales? How do you think about the answers? No one told them not to see spirits. I have heard before that dogs can see spirits. you can also sense it in their facial expression. Your Dog well may be seeing spirits or it may just be reacting to something outside your range of perception. --i apologize for the extremely long answer i tend to do that lol--. If benevolent, their attention is focused on them but don't feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable. My boyfriend swears he can see a face, but I've looked at the picture over and over again and I still can't find a face. Join. 7 months ago. well remember that dogs are not humans and keep in mind that dogs were not always kept as pets (although they have been for a very long time) and there are still wild dogs today of course but getting back on subject dogs can see much better in the dark than we can, and also have improved smelling, hearing etc... so if it was night or dark at all outside he probably saw something u did not (and smaller dogs tend to bark more than larger ones) but saying that dogs can see spirits/ghosts is definitely not the right answer it doesn't take an expert on animals to answer that and when did you get this dog? Does this always happen in the same place and at the same time? However, I do know for a fact that Dogs are able to Hear and Smell that which we'd have absolutely no sensary awareness of. this is why people hire guard dogs. yes they can. Until that day happens, it's speculation and not the truth. The nervousness and tension was manifest and always (and only) occurred in that place. Well there was the spirit of our cat there but it looked like nothing was there. I've never heard a dog say "I've just seen a ghost". But there are also logical explanations to look at first. Dogs happen to both see and hear the spirits when they are present. Animals can see and hear much more than we can. 7 months ago. People may think im crazy but I know for a fact there there was a ghost in my old house and my sisters spirit also was present from time to time. Dogs get freaked out by the strangest things. My dog is HUGE like its about 100lbs and female (Akita & SheepDog) Mix. No dog has ever said so, but I think it's possible. Yes they can sense presences, thats also how they tell the good guys from the baddies, they can also sniff out cancer, if a dog sniffs or scratches in the … Lv 7. well this signifiers do not only apply when dogs see ghosts alone. Answer Save. Claudia Conway's controversial 'Idol' debut Mine, who isn't a people dog, will look up like he's looking at someone and listening to them, and wags his tail. Answer Save. 6 Answers. For a good half hour he would tilt his head, walk around in circles, and look into the kitchen. They are not infuenced by material things, which have no value or meaning to them. Animals in general can sense phenomena or danger. Relevance. That dog was no wussy. Anonymous. They would react to a mole, snake, cat, dog, rabbit, or a raccoon being present somewhere in the front or back yard, even of course strangers; people whom we don't know or whom the dog is not familiar with thoroughly. Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. He passed away 8 years ago. this happened to my dog once. he sometimes even cries when he looks at it. i know they can. But it really isn't likely. 0 1. bluebonnetgranny. Hunker down so you can see the room from her eye-level; there might be summat you can't see from yours. ... Get your answers by asking now. As another user mentioned - dogs are animals, animals have completely different sense of reality to us so they can get worried or feel anxiety to the completely different things. My dog acts wierd sometimes like hides behind me or goes under my bed or comes in my bed while sleeping for some reasons. Some can, just like some people can. I just asked Casper your question and Casper said only the evil unfriendly kind is what canines can see! The level of a dog’s hearing also surpasses a human’s, and dogs possess the ability to hear higher-pitched noises from a much greater distance. Another one has a dog that is frightened of radios, even ones that aren't turned on. It is a possible explanation for their behavior that your dog is expressing. But sometimes she gets scared for no reason, are they seeing ghosts or something? Now he owes $16,752. His lights stayed on in Texas. The other night my 6 month old toy poodle suddenly stopped playing with his toys, looked off into the kitchen, and backed up to corner himself between the wall and the couch. 7 years ago can dogs see or sense spirits/ghost? 7 months ago. We can only give our opinion of what they can see. animals are very intuative to the after life as well as children to ghosts. my dog always looks out my window and when no one is there he starts growling at something and wont stop staring at it. We've had many dogs in our family and they've sensed spirits in "haunted places". I've never seen a ghost and then noticed a dog's … How did the story of the Easter bunny begin? Trending questions. Relevance. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. They can even feel and see spirits being present up close or at a distance. if you adopted him or if it was previously taken care of by another family its always a posibility that it could have been neglected, abused etc, even if it was not on purpose smaller children can be pretty rough on dogs but without realizing it.. i hope you understand what i mean by that Please note: im not an expert on any type of animal, mythology etc... im only 17 so i might be wrong about their hearing or something but im almost positive that is true im only sharing my thoughts... hope that helped! Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. Yes, they can. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. The whilst emits a high pitched note that our ears cant pick up so we can't hear anything - but the dog can hear a very high pitched sound and will usually grab their attention straight away or cause them to react. Get your answers by asking now. They have a 6th sense, a higher sensory system than any human has. can cats and dogs see or sense ghosts/spirits?

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