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how to avoid acid reflux during intermittent fasting

Supplement on HCL, and try to avoid sugar together with high protein meals. If you are someone who fasts occasionally, your body may be more acidic. Intermittent Fasting(IF) is way of eating that restricts *when* you eat, usually on a daily or weekly schedule. According to Dr. Josh Axe, intermittent fasting allows your GI tract to rest and can help balance out stomach acid. Potential fasting side effects and tips for preventing them. This included intermittent fasting. Recently a reader wrote about being able to cease using acid-blocking drugs by controlling his/her diet. I recommend trying a 3 day liquid fast, water or liquid nutrience, whichever you can brave. Drinking black coffee and tea can also curb hunger. ALSO … Most people tolerate intermittent fasting without any serious trouble. These foods include coffee, carbonated beverages, tomatoes and tomato sauces, lemon and other citrus fruits and juice, hot peppers, garlic, onions, vinegar, and other acidic foods. 11) Intermittent Fasting. Some of my worst episodes were from not eating. But I guess if there is enough acid produced during fasting and insufficient control of the body's anti-reflux mechanism (such as with hiatal hernia) some reflux can occur. You may also need probiotics, but HCL + high level B12 supplement are the first and most important. A second potential issue with the intermittent fasting diet plan as far as acid reflux goes is the fact that you will likely be eating a higher amount of food in the evening period and then laying down to sleep afterwards. Mate, gastric reflux comes from having an acid DEFICIT. However, mild side effects are common, especially when starting. Intermittent fasting doesn’t mean you have to go several hours to days without any food. During fasting, stomach secretion of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, increases. A study has shown that there is an inverse relationship between ghrelin blood levels and heartburn. Q. As lying down after eating does tend to make acid reflux worse, this may not mean good news for how you're feeling. Throughout the time of your fast, you can eat bone broth and drink soothing teas. 3 4 A general rule for fasting is that mild symptoms are expected, but severe or disabling symptoms are not typical and indicate you should immediately break your … Fasting for long hours may leave your body acidic especially if someone is more prone to suffering from acidity. The evaluation consisted of a laryngeal examination and the Reflux Symptom Index (RSI). This is a place to share success, support each other, ask questions, and learn. Avoid acidic, spicy, and fatty foods: While these foods may not be the primary cause of reflux, acidic foods may be more irritating to the esophagus when the LES is weakened. People engage in IF to reap the many benefits to health, fitness, and mental clarity. Related The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Intermittent Fasting. The abstention from water and or food intake during the non-fasting period extended from few minutes to 3 h. All subjects were evaluated at the same time during the day. On the Yom Kippur holiday, one woman at our temple was taken via ambulance to the hospital. I imagine your stomach flushes out whatever is inflaming your stomach. Oh, I usually do have a spike during the fast with the acid reflux, the next day it's gone. I did a 3 day water fast while working and in a grocerey store. With HCL supplements, your reflux will be removed in a week or so. Fasting can trigger acid reflux, too. The Reflux Finding Score (RFS) was used to report on the reflux laryngeal findings. Since fat slows gastric emptying I imagine eating cheese and other delightful tasting foods in above certain quantities may not help either.

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