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Sorry but can’t agree with you on this one. The star called on all the experts only to “show” that she knows more than they. New team on health issues As far as the Americans are concerned a Cabinet Minister [and Donville was a Cabinet Minister when he did the deed for which he has been convicted] is NEVER EVER SMALL FRY. They’ve also sought the help of additional Cuba doctors and other medical experts. Is it too late?” For that the government must take responsibility. This is Barbados. this from the Caribbean Life news article I posted What about his family? Such was the stunt played out across the airwaves on Monday, January 4th, 2021. In short, the people of Barbados are all under pressure and need space to breathe again. She added that four English-speaking lab technicians would be attached to the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory for extra hands. The trend continues.Not trying to nit-pick but yet another voice who offered divergent views has been coopted into a new committee to speak about Covid 19.The Head Of BAMP was vocal about the protocol policy and wanted the time extended so as to capture any incubating viruses after the first test of visitors. We also accessed thousands of testing kits from international institutions and some of our friends in the region to ensure we could adequately respond to the crisis. Let us give it a chance IF private sector agrees. 2000 numbers and a slow response gives a false and misleading reading to the public Mottley also revealed that Government purchased a mobile lab from the Chinese and it was just a matter of the logistics of getting it here. According to the doctor, he is still waiting for a return call. The Harder They Come Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, in an address to the nation yesterday evening from Ilaro Court, said chairman of Cabinet’s COVID-19 Sub-committee, Senator Dr Jerome Walcott, had been in discussions with several foreign governments the past couple of days. If its presence is confirmed, then the national response would require an immediate adjustment. YOU ARE RIGHT TO SPEAK UP AND NOT BE A SHEEP WHILST BEING TREATED LIKE A SCHOOL CHILD. (GP) Re Inniss, a reasonable person might acquaint himself with any relevant rules of engagement. Not the majority. Now she cannot say those kinds of things as she ii now on the committee to speak about government policy. She is an absolutely fantastic communicator but the COVID-19 battle, Prime Minister, has to be seen as apolitical. I live here. The Prime Minister said the numbers were small in terms of qualified and trained personnel so they did not have the resources to “double up and triple up”. On the latter point we have already reached Asian levels thanks to Mia Mottley and Charles Jong. Both payments were made in US currency and paid by BF& M, the majority stakeholder in ICBL. And, we are also faced with the reality that people are not fully adhering to the protocols. Prime Minister Mottley explained that the decision was based on public health recommendations as the country continues its fight against COVID-19. HOWEVER RESEARCHERS LATER LEARNED THAT IT HAD BEEN IN USA AROUND NOVEMBER 2019 WITH FIRST HOSPITALIZED PATIENT IN CALIFORNIA 2019 AND THAT CHINA TRAVELERS IN HUNDREDS OF THOUSAND UNSUSPECTING THROUGHOUT THE USA BEFORE THE ALARM WAS MADE MONTHS LATER MARCH/APRIL 2020 TO WEAR MASKS, SANITIZE, SOCIAL DISTANCE HOWEVER BY THIS TIME HAD SPREAD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY UNDETECTED. Covid Facts You Didn't Know and Why you Should Protest Lockdowns, Sweet Sunday Sermon - 2 Timothy 2 versus 7-13, Sweet Sunday Sermon – 2 Timothy 2 versus 7-13, Senator Caswell Franklyn Speaks – Hail Caesar Mia Mottley, Dictator of Barbados, Post Covid 19 World Demands New Approaches from Government and Private Sector, Sweet Sunday Sermon – Philosophy of teaching: 2 Timothy 2 versus 2. Nobody cares. FORMER SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT at the Insurance Corporation of Barbados Ltd (ICBL), Alex Tasker, will know next month whether he will be ordered extradited to the United States for trial on money laundering charges. This will allow us to focus on what we must execute. It is understood that this matter is now under investigation by the police’s Human Trafficking Department. It’s unclear how easily this virus is spreading between people. Although not out of the woods Barbadians were told based on the week over week numbers “we are in a better place”, however, we need to keep our guard up. We are therefore pleased that Prime Minister Mia Mottley is now including BAMP as a special partner in the COVID fight. The new strains are more contagious but so far there is no prove that they are more deadly. It is trending in the right direction. the facts therefore dont reflect the need to return to any ABC. Leading up to Christmas, you could have run a rat through all the stores and supermarkets and the few that had higher numbers limited the numbers inside when they reached higher numbers and did one out, one in rules at the door. This is an interesting side story coming out of Covid and quarantining. Go figure. We also seek a pledge that this newly formed Communications Team will be transparent, providing full and accurate information without the political filters. Senator Caswell Franklyn Speaks - Hail Caesar Mia Mottley, Dictator of Barbados. If the US decides to keep a matter for 14 years and then sends it to Barbados and the Attorney General signs on to it, I am servant of the Crown. Mia gamble with the lives of barbadians and she lost, More doctors coming Barbadians have for the last two and a half years given the star the podium to do her acting. Their words have little or no impact on the citizens of Barbados. Sorry David I disagree, decisions made must be based on current data. Vincent say he ain’t taking no chances with the new strain of covid cause you might be able to catch it online. A report incorrectly completed by a laboratory technician, a nurse, a doctor can become the breaking point and lead to greater stress for the entire nation. We would now have to look for those files,” he said. No govt can regulate peoples emotions “So for example if I need toilet paper say and it’s not my day to shop i simply go to a small shop and buy it. The blogmaster will not permit it! COMMON SENSE AND NOT DOLLARS WOULD BE TO STOP ALL INCOMING TRAVEL FROM UK AT LEAST FOR SOME PERIOD OF TIME. Re: culpability of anyone at the BIDC, what one would really like to know was the decision making process. He (Trump) is well aware of this fact. “Unless there is something coming up that I am not seeing, you are more than likely going to get your decision when you all finish,” the Chief Magistrate said. Unfortunately I am not au fait with how these things work. Tom Adams’ wife is white English. The clowns in Barbados will try to twist the words to suit their lies, misdirection and misinformaton as usual, cause they’re yet to develop or create anything that doesn’t turn into instant shit. WHO GOES TO A SHOP LITERALLY OR FIGURATIVELY EVERYDAY UNLESS AN ALCOHOLIC. A clinical specimen was collected and sent to CDC overnight, where laboratory testing yesterday confirmed the diagnosis via CDC’s Real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test. Just stay in your safe location and gloat. Those same few have a luxury that the government cannot afford as they can be pigheaded and blind; they can lock in a position and stick to it, for their words dissipates as soon as they are spoken. One of the issues I have with our discussion is that issues are often given in absolutes. Does the buck really stop at the Barbados CEO? Senator Caswell Franklyn Speaks - Hail Caesar Mia Mottley, Dictator of Barbados. THE ONLY CUNTRY I SEE IS YOUR 2 x 3 ISLAND BARBADOS AND BLP WHITE SHADOWS GOVERNMENT. Do we believe that spies all look like James Bond? Notorious criminal John Dillinger—America’s “Public Enemy No. There is no right or wrong answer. On January 17, 2020, CDC began implementing public health entry screening at San Francisco (SFO), New York (JFK), and Los Angeles (LAX) airports. This is not an outbreak. Is there more to follow? Luker and Knightley were supposed to be in quarantine awaiting the results of their COVID-19 tests. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Meanwhile on a sunny Weekend Day, life goes on as it does everywhere. January is already the slowest time of the year. Most of us were following protocol. WURA, @Blogmaster I see this abc thing as doing the following His impression was that the EDNY, at least in his opinion, constituted a hostile work environment. Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes, who presided, informed attorneys for both sides that his decision will be delivered after they had finished their submissions. Yesterday, the 60-year-old made his second appearance in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court where arguments in the extradition matter were set for February 11 and 16. Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), former minister of health Liz Thompson, is being brought back to the island to be part of the team, along with president of the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners, Dr Lynda Williams; communications and marketing specialist Tyson Henry, who is based in Dominica, and a fourth person who is being targeted, Mottley said during a national address from Ilaro Court yesterday. “Part of the struggle of being a small country is that we do not have the depth of resources generally.” And were concerned for their own skin, and the potential harm it could cause. Pointing out that even as the hospital continues to implement strict COVID-19 protocols to try to prevent a spread of the virus, it appears that the two employees contracted the disease from individuals outside of the facility. Like I have said before, I hope when the fire start wunna can out it. The Reader will therefore understand why President Ford hastily pardoned Nixon. Do we have other players in Barbados culpable? The then BoD and CEO must have been aware that the instruction from the minister was not Kosher- either legally or morally speaking- the same way the Millar finance lady was aware of what was going on was not ‘right’ both professionally and legally speaking especially when dealing with “politically-exposed” parties. Liars can figure and figures can lie having consultations is to prevent the accusation of it being a unilateral decision. Non essential travel should wait til a bulk of people are inoculated…. “Barbados: It is said that politics is like theatre. Even as of the time of this writing, there are at least a few Prosecutors (e.g James, Vance, Racine et al) patiently waiting in plain view to rendezvous with Trump just after high noon come January 20, 2021. You don’t even recognise the fire I am referring to. COVID-19 is an infectious … “I am assuming those two days should be enough, so barring something else coming up, I figure we can get a decision on February 16. People talk at elegant dinner and cocktail parties, people talk at modest restaurants, people talk at fast food places, people talk at the beach, at their children’s schools, people talk at their place of worship, people talk at weddings and funerals, people talk at corner shops and rum shops, people talk at gas stations, people talk at fetes and limes. Artax. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. (Some may recall that the U.S once sought the extradition of a certain Sir. Questions must be asked. That signalling is what creates the panic or rush like it did when they announced they were closing the island in a few hours when they did the lockdown in March. Difficult Conversations – What Would We Do? As long as you ensure the flow in is equal to the capacity of funnel there is no overflow. This is an important segue to an examination of our handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the explosion of cases in the dying days of 2020 and in the New Year. Barbados Underground 10 Point Plan for New Governance, Poster Offensive Launched, #bajanswantchange, Send Confidential Message with attachment,,,, Covid Facts You Didn’t Know and Why you Should Protest Lockdowns. All our transport services are under pressure, especially our human resources. If its in the restaurants let us know if its in the grocery stores we will get deliveries, etc I may have been at some place and not signed in and could be spreading it unknowingly because I was not told a place where I was had infections. It will be fully equipped with personnel and robotics, she said. The big issue here and elsewhere is that some residents do not appreciate the importance of behaving responsibly during a pandemic. by the number one sound in the whole wide world. The notion that Minister Bostic and I can come here, or Minister Walcott, and talk is going to be difficult,” Mottley said. “It seems to me the Crown, and I mean the US brought this matter when they felt like; they handed it to the Crown here when they felt like, and I don’t see why I should now have to go into my calendar and put back things that I should be dealing with now,” Pilgrim argued. They have/had several other businesses, in addition to their then 51.4% stake in ICBL. WEAR MASKS, AND SANITIZE HAS BEEN THE ORDER OFF THE DAY. “Minister of Health [Jeffrey] Bostic has been in contact with the Pan American Health Organisation, who have committed to sending in short order a virologist to train persons to be able to ensure that we can provide respite for those who are working exceptionally long hours at the lab.” So wait what happen with us here then? So in essence what your abc foolishness has done is expose me to infection where I was not previously exposed. The many early calls to the PM to take heed and close birders to hot spots is what has barbados in this crisis If the situation was not so grave, the entire episode would be laughable. When all is said and done these portocols have failed He further explained that counsel for the Department of Justice was appearing on behalf of the United States government in the extradition proceeding, while Innes is being represented by Christi Hunter, a noted criminal defence lawyer. People are yawning as they walk past the PR conferences The point @David is making is the salient one. What if the tourist lady at your church is a spy? Instead of running into every Tom, Dick and Harry in a shop seven days a week, you will only run into one of them on a certain day. If patient Zero and all he infected up to the point where you were able to trace, are in fact living here are they not infected members of our community ? We could also look at this from the point of view the health authorities are not ‘on top’ of the situation as yet, since they were recently confronted with a ‘super spread’ and are perhaps still in the process of conducting contact tracing and accumulating all the relevant information to deal with the issue. More doctors are coming to Barbados to assist in the COVID-19 fight. On community spread and local transmission, neither expert could inform the star, for at the end she was still “confused”. There is a break between those you traced and patient Zero and none of you can say definitely how may persons make up that untraced gap. This government made one mistake. Above and beyond lets pray that God remove the stubbornness that has hardened Mia heart and which has given way for COVID to make way across the lives of many barbadians. One year later in 2016, Millar said she wrote a similar invoice also to be paid to Inniss for $20 000. But where exactly did we go wrong? The United States government started extradition proceedings against former ICBL executive Ingrid Innes. Read ePaper The fact that Prime Minister Mottley admitted that effective communication has been the achilles heel of the entire COVID-19 process is also a welcome step. so you know you have to be careful next time……we one know how ya love them strippers., the abc mathod was said to be going under discussion – NOT INTRODUCED (yet), “I hope when the fire start wunna can out it”. We also have a situation where employees from government departments, banks, credit unions and various other business establishments that tested positive for COVID-19. After his transfer to Alcatraz prison, his mental and physical condition deteriorated from paresis (a late stage of syphilis) So for example if I need toilet paper say and it’s not my day to shop i simply go to a small shop and buy it. The star must explain more damage to whom or to what? We got a gap in the trace and nobody can say how many people make up this gap. Innes, a Guyanese national, was charged in 2019 by the US Department of Justice with three counts of money laundering and bribery, along with co-accused Barbadian Alex Tasker and former Government minister Donville Inniss. We secured needed personal protective equipment for our healthcare workers who are at risk on the front line. Not doing exchanges. Upon conviction in a Barbadian Court Mr. Inniss should be incarcerated in Dodds for the full 7 years and so should Mr. Tasker and Ms. Innes upon their convictions. In 2018, she and her husband Byren Innes became co-founders of Carilend, the first peer-to peer-lending site in Barbados. Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, in an address to the nation yesterday evening from Ilaro Court, said chairman of Cabinet’s COVID-19 Sub-committee, Senator Dr Jerome Walcott, had been in discussions with several foreign governments the past couple of days. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Too besides (to use some good ole West Indian lingo), it is known in certain circles that the then perceived bribery transaction was brought to the attention of the local law enforcement agencies which, to use a well-worn idiom, turned a blind eye while pretending to have ears full of politically-manufactured wax. By the way what does the CDC define community spread as? Please let the medical and other professional personages do their work and you can take a bow, the Oscar goes to? The chances of the US authorities catching this matter, were likely slim to none. I see this abc thing as doing the following Came home in a car with an Emerald City worker inside. He was charged with two counts of money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering based on bribes he received from ICBL. Then again so as not to offend, they will probably go along with it. This doctor may just be trying to promote himself. We are juggling a lot. It seems as though they wake up each and every morning with a specific, orchestrated mission, to focus on every and anything that’s negative in Barbados, even if they have to manipulate information to serve that particular purpose. The messages being sent through various lockdown and business closures tell a daunting picture. It is deeply unjust that our lazy civil servants are now allowed to sleep at home again for months while unemployment and national debt explode. The hotels too must take some responsibility. Whatever one’s political persuasion, it must be admitted that another great piece of theatre was in evidence with the star getting all the lines right, the sets in place, and the supporting casts meeting the accepted performance levels. Likewise, we should abolish the monarchy and rename our country the “People’s Republic of Barbados.”. Force to beg or to dumpster dive? However. Al Capone died of cardiac arrest in 1947, but his decline began earlier. However, it has only recently been revealed that the US has started extradition proceedings against her. I don’t know if it is because Mr. Inniss is up there slipping through their fingers,” Pilgrim asked, implying that though convicted Inniss may escape prison time.”(quote). The Daily Mail newspaper in London also reported yesterday that it had spoken to Jacas via telephone from Jamaica. Well plenty gasoline has been poured on to the fire Chinese should also be taught as a compulsory second language at school. Reason why people hurt and maimed each other Based on the patient’s travel history and symptoms, healthcare professionals suspected this new coronavirus. Usually, I admire your reasoning, but here you are trying to make a 3-stroke when only a 2-stroke is possible. A question now remains and should be asked If the count is 4, they’ll say the ‘government’ is falsifying reports. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It was in January 2019 that the United States government unsealed an indictment against Innes and co-accused Tasker, then senior vicepresident of ICBL, but they were never arrested. “On November 25, 2020, Ms Innes had her first appearance before the Superior Court in Toronto and the matter was remanded to January 13, 2021.” Following a story which circulated yesterday that she went missing on August 21, 2012, from her Wickham Drive, Kingston 8, Jamaica home when she was only 15, police and immigration are now looking into the possibility that she is being trafficked. Chief Magistrate Weekes noted the matter had to “proceed at some time” and he adjourned it. Slow the speed of testings and numbers would fall Nor against the participants in the bribery. I read additional information, which also included the letter associated with the link you provided that one of the mitigating factors referenced by the US Government and origin of proceedings were ICBL made a voluntary self-disclosure of the transactions. I mean do we really know whether Donville is a double agent? ( Log Out /  Donville’s case is important, not only because it represents a stunning reversal of fortune, a reckoning for him personally, as well as any possible harm to Barbados and its image abroad. “all because of idiotic behaviour of a few prison officers and BDF officers who should have known better.”. He may now pursue his right to appeal and draw out the process. Thompson will be replaced as the Permanent Representative to the UN by Francois Jackman, the ambassador to China, who is based in Beijing. Mia Mottley has no spouse. During the Inniss trial, under oath, the BF&M CEO, and ICBL Chair, Wight; denied knowing anything about the payments. Reverting to the ABC nonesence again is pointless. My point is Dr George was on my Tv telling me there is no community spread full stop. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Mariposa you do not tirr writing dhite all day every day.You are worse than the overseas doom and gloomers hoping for the worse for Barbados.Then claiming you csre about the poor black man.The first thing you should be doing is praising the frontline workers like the doctors and the nurses for the tireless work they are doing.Instead you like the political nightwatchmen trying to play petty politics with a serious situation.Let the nightwatchman tell us her solutions.I mean they could not even get the shite off the south coast how the hell would they have handle this situation.I praises Mottly and her team every day for their leadership in this scenario.We are still here standing i am confident we will overcome this.Howevr i hope that all the irresponsible people on that bus crawl and the event on the West Coast and any others tourist or local feel the full weight of the law. We therefore urgently need a special sacrifice by civil servants. It will be fully equipped with personnel and robotics, she said….(Quote). The patient sought care at a medical facility in the state of Washington, where the patient was treated for the illness. “We have been in contact with the Cuban government and we have requested a number of additional doctors and specialists – two communicable disease specialists, two respiratory disease specialists, two intensive care specialists, two anaesthesiologists and a respiratory therapist.” Then you come with a last ditch effort of defending your position by saying the WTO say community spread only occurs when you have lost track of being able to trace all infected cases. Feed in opposing pieces of data and a few always come to the same conclusion, the government is wrong. Mia Amor Mottley, Health and Wellness Minister Lt. Col. Hon, Jeffrey Bostic, Home Affairs Information, Broadcasting and Public Affairs Minister Wilfred Abrahams and Covid-19 Cabinet Sub-Committee Chairman Sen. the Hon. Proceedings ensued thereafter. You are doing our good pal Vincent too bad. While they are not prepared to call community spread until the call is made decisions taken must factor worse case scenario. Maybe I have been reading too much Ian Flemming. Is it coincidental the CEO during the period of the crime has ridden off into the sunset? Sporadic cases refers to a small number of cases (one or more) that are either imported or detected locally; clusters of cases refers to cases that are clustered in time, geographic location and or by common exposures; community transmission refers to larger outbreaks of local transmission that can be defined through different approaches, including big numbers of cases not linkable to transmission chains and multiple unrelated clusters in several areas. Our doctors have to read the studies for ourselves and solve it for ourselves. “We have been in contact with the Cuban government and we have requested a number of additional doctors and specialists – two communicable disease specialists, two respiratory disease specialists, two intensive care specialists, two anaesthesiologists and a respiratory therapist.” But a nice, fat, former government Minister, a real-real maguffy…, David January 2, 2021 7:46 PM Remember that BAMP is the union for Doctors.Who will speak of their grievances? Nothing on co-charged Mrs Innes, who resigned from ICBL early in 2017, and much later (based on social media posts) returned home to Canada. Was management or the Board squeezed? Enter your email address to follow Barbados Underground and receive notifications of new posts by email. Life is about confronting adversity, we are better for it. They appeared in court on Thursday before Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes where they pleaded guilty to breaching COVID-19 protocols. The United States is asking that Tasker, of Mayfair Terrace, Lead Vale, Christ Church, be extradited for trial on conspiracy to launder money and money laundering between August 2015 and April 2016 chrges. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Such rules will inevitably vary from jurisdiction (e.g Barbados)  to jurisdiction (e.g Florida or New York). Maybe Artax knows more and can shed some light.”. I maintain that the problem arose because of poor monitoring of the quarantine facilities. BID FOR INNES Mr. Inniss apparently fired his trial counsel, for whatever reason(s). They knew that anytime this is done as in the case of my water and funnel scenario, those shoppers would then go to smaller less regulated places. That money was allegedly routed through an American bank account in the name of a New York dental company, disguised as “consulting” fees. They did not anticipate how stupid and self-destructive some people are. Barbados Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley is among the honorees at the upcoming American Foundation for the University of the West Indies' Awards Gala. The news ongoing seems to portray one of doubt Emigration would have been better. The PM needs to talk with the the business places and let them tell her how slow January and February have been compared to last year. Saturday Sun investigations revealed that Jacas, who also goes by the name “Diamond”, was taken to Grantley Adams International Airport last Sunday by a man and placed on a flight to Jamaica. the talk now about bringing back the ABC is to to avoid what you just called it – a knee jerk reaction. We can do this people! On Saturday, April 11, 2020 Prime Minister of Barbados, the Hon. Spot on. This comes amid controversy over the singer's tweet on farmers' protests against the farm laws. Thus, Mr. Inniss, metaphorically, finds himself like a man with a glock cocked against his temple, as he sits in anticipation of sentencing scheduled for Jan 23, 2021(?). There is no attempt to come to grips with the reasoning behind our government policies, no attempt to understand the why or the outcomes of different actions. Also John A must be aware one can order online from many businesses born of the pandemic which are still operating. This is not March 2020. Psychiatric Hospital latest site of COVID-19 cases – by Emmanuel Joseph January 9, 2021

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