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He was successful, and a new treaty was drafted and approved, but not before McKinley's assassination in 1901. ", John Offner, "The United States and France: Ending the Spanish–American War. Cortelyou acted as the de facto White House press secretary and chief of staff. [64] In 1878, McKinley was redistricted to the 16th congressional district; he won anyway, causing Hayes to exult, "Oh, the good luck of McKinley! "[181] Under pressure from black leaders, McKinley required the War Department to commission black officers above the rank of lieutenant. Adoption of the platform caused some western delegates, led by Colorado Senator Henry M. Teller, to walk out of the convention. Ida soon joined her husband's Methodist church. [22] Delayed in passing through Washington, D.C., the 23rd Ohio did not arrive in time for the battle but joined the Army of the Potomac as it hurried north to cut off Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia as it advanced into Maryland. He served almost two terms in the White House between March 4, 1897 and September 14, 1901. Republican strategist Mark Hanna raised an unprecedented sum for the campaign and made extensive use of the media in managing the McKinley … In the speech, which indicated McKinley's second term plans, the president urged reciprocity treaties with other nations to assure American manufacturers access to foreign markets. They were printed and distributed by the million ... but the people hankered for more. [150], McKinley also refused to recognize the native Filipino government of Emilio Aguinaldo, and relations between the United States and the Aguinaldo's supporters deteriorated after the conclusion of the Spanish–American War. "[115], McKinley was sworn in as president on March 4, 1897, as his wife and mother looked on. Yellow journalism at … [124] For most of McKinley's administration, George B. Cortelyou served as his personal secretary. [5] He was a lifelong pious Methodist. ... Republican Party Collectible US Political Parties Buttons & Pins, Nixon Campaign Button, Republican Party Collectible US Political Parties Memorabilia, Cortelyou twice tried to remove a public reception from the president's visit to the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York in September 1901, but McKinley refused to cancel the appearance, as he enjoyed meeting with the public. "United States Politics and the 1898 War over Cuba." was successful in getting all but one of the miners acquitted. McKinley's foreign policy created an overseas empire and put the U.S. on the world's list of major powers. In 1896, McKinley was nominated to run for president as the Republican Party nominee with Garret Hobart as his running mate. [187] McKinley initially favored Elihu Root, who had succeeded Alger as Secretary of War, but McKinley decided that Root was doing too good a job at the War Department to move him. The new president made little effort to secure the trade reciprocity McKinley had intended to negotiate with other nations. [3] When rivals Speaker Thomas Brackett Reed and Senator William B. Allison sent agents outside their states to organize support for their candidacies, they found that McKinley agents had preceded them. African Americans in the peacetime Army had formed elite units; nevertheless they were harassed by whites as they traveled from the West to Tampa for embarkation to the war. [108] Spain refused McKinley's proposals, and on April 11, McKinley turned the matter over to Congress. With the War Department plagued by scandal, Alger resigned at McKinley's request in mid-1899 and was succeeded by Elihu Root. Although black leaders criticized McKinley for inaction, supporters responded by saying there was little the president could do to intervene. ", Bloodworth, Jeffrey. [203][204], One man in the crowd, Leon Czolgosz, hoped to assassinate McKinley. Bryan had concentrated entirely on the silver issue, and had not appealed to urban workers. A Republican, McKinley was the last president to have served in the American Civil War; he was the only one to have started the war as an enlisted soldier, and ended as a brevet major. [238] The territorial expansion of 1898 is often seen by historians as the beginning of American empire. [213] He may also have sung part of his favorite hymn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee",[214] although other accounts have her singing it softly to him. Dawes eventually became Comptroller of the Currency; he recorded in his published diary that he had strongly urged McKinley to appoint as secretary the successful candidate, Lyman J. Gage, president of the First National Bank of Chicago and a Gold Democrat. (State legislators still elected US Senators. Although McKinley made some appointments of African Americans to low-level government posts, and received some praise for that, the appointments were less than they had received under previous Republican administrations. He is best known for leading the nation to victory in the Spanish–American War (1898), taking ownership of the Republic of Hawaii, purchasing the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. He intended the speech as a keynote to his plans for a second term. [151] McKinley believed that Aguinaldo represented just a small minority of the Filipino populace, and that benevolent American rule would lead to a peaceful occupation. McKinley toured the South in late 1898, promoting sectional reconciliation. [2] The McKinleys were of English and Scots-Irish descent and had settled in western Pennsylvania in the 18th century. [64] Nonetheless, restrictive immigration laws would continue to receive support during and after McKinley's tenure, partly due to the rising number of immigrants from Southern Europe and Eastern Europe.[65]. [6][7] Democratic President Grover Cleveland firmly supported the gold standard, but an increasing number of rural Democrats, especially in corn belt and western states, called for a bimetallic "free silver" system. ", Offner, John L. "McKinley and the Spanish‐American War.". [162] Americans and other westerners in Peking were besieged and, in cooperation with other western powers, McKinley ordered 5000 troops to the city in June 1900 in the China Relief Expedition. McKINLEY, William, Jr., a Representative from Ohio and 25th President of the United States; born in Niles, Ohio, January 29, 1843; attended the public schools, Poland Academy, and Allegheny College; teacher; served in the Union Army, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 1861-1865; lawyer, private practice; prosecuting attorney of Stark County, Ohio, 1869-1871; elected as a Republican to the … [142] The talks continued until December 18, when the Treaty of Paris was signed. Hobart leased a residence close to the White House, and the two families visited each other without formality. [220] She died only months before the completion of the large marble monument to her husband in Canton, which was dedicated by President Roosevelt on September 30, 1907. [143] McKinley had difficulty convincing the Senate to approve the treaty by the requisite two-thirds vote, but his lobbying, and that of Vice President Hobart, eventually saw success, as the Senate voted to ratify the treaty on February 6, 1899 on a 57 to 27 vote. McKinley, however, was determined to obtain the nomination without making deals, and Hanna accepted that decision. Under the terms of the bill, all revenue collected from the tariff on Puerto Rican goods would be used for Puerto Rico, and the tariff would cease to function once the government of Puerto Rico established its own taxation system. [105] Even today, these depictions still color the images of Hanna and McKinley: one as a heartless businessman, the other as a creature of Hanna and others of his ilk.[106]. The territorial expansion of 1898 was the high water mark of American imperialism. Driven by the ideals of freedom and civil liberties, the future 25 th president of the United States enlisted as a private in Poland Guards in June 1861. McKinley supported Foraker for Senate and Bushnell (who was of Foraker's faction) for governor; in return, the new senator-elect agreed to back McKinley's presidential ambitions. Americans sympathized with the rebels and demanded action to resolve the crisis. McKinley, campaigning mostly on his support for a protective tariff, defeated the Democratic nominee, Levi L. Lamborn, by 3,300 votes. The primary purposes of such imposts was not to raise revenue, but to allow American manufacturing to develop by giving it a price advantage in the domestic market over foreign competitors. Historians regard McKinley's 1896 victory as a realigning election in which the political stalemate of the post-Civil War era gave way to the Republican-dominated Fourth Party System, which began with the Progressive Era. [139] McKinley ultimately decided he had no choice but to annex the Philippines, because he believed Japan would take control of them if the U.S. did not. [39] In July, the Veterans Corps was mustered out of service, and McKinley and Carroll were relieved of their duties. [47] He attended the state Republican convention that nominated Hayes for a third term as governor in 1875, and campaigned again for his old friend in the election that fall. [167] With American business, humanitarian and military interests even more involved in Asia following the Spanish–American War, a canal seemed more essential than ever, and McKinley pressed for a renegotiation of the treaty. [10] Among them were McKinley and his cousin William McKinley Osbourne, who enlisted as privates in the newly formed Poland Guards in June 1861. [129][130], In January 1898, Spain promised some concessions to the rebels, but when American consul Fitzhugh Lee reported riots in Havana, McKinley agreed to send the battleship USS Maine. Bryan was portrayed as a radical, a demagogue, and a socialist, while McKinley was cast as the guarantor of full employment and industrial growth. Bryan had concentrated entirely on the silver issue, and had not failed to broaden his appeal to include urban workers. [24] Although McKinley was initially inclined to allow Long to choose his own the assistant secretary of the navy, there was considerable pressure on the president-elect to appoint Theodore Roosevelt, the head of the New York City Police Commission. [28] They soon resumed the offensive, marching into southwestern Virginia to destroy salt and lead mines used by the enemy. [95][96][97], The bad economic times had continued, and strengthened the hand of forces for free silver. [59] Sherman, who had helped to found the Republican Party, ran three times for the Republican nomination for president in the 1880s, each time failing,[60] while Foraker began a meteoric rise in Ohio politics early in the decade. [68], African Americans saw the onset of war in 1898 as an opportunity to display their patriotism, and black soldiers fought bravely at El Caney and San Juan Hill. McKinley's 'Front Porch Campaign' became a legend in American political history. [36] Finally assigned to Carroll's staff again, McKinley acted as the general's first and only adjutant. 3. McKinley had spoken out against lynching while governor, and most African Americans who could vote supported him in 1896. Offner, John. Walker was ruined by the recession; McKinley was called upon for repayment in February 1893. [101][102] Delegations marched through the streets from the railroad station to McKinley's home on North Market Street. [223], McKinley's biographer, H. Wayne Morgan remarks that McKinley died the most beloved president in history. The reasons for the turnabout in Nebraska included prosperity, the collapse of the Populist Party, the intensive Republican campaign in the state, and Bryan's neglect of his base. [15] McKinley initially thought Scammon was a martinet, but when the regiment entered battle, he came to appreciate the value of their relentless drilling. 10. While McKinley did not officially endorse the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy", he did reach out in terms of appointments and speeches and visits to the white South. [154] Although public sentiment seemed to favor annexation of the Philippines, several prominent political leaders—including Democrats Bryan, and Cleveland, and the newly formed American Anti-Imperialist League—made their opposition known. Hawaii long had very close political, cultural, religious and economic relations with the United States. The Return of William McKinley’s Republican Party . He did not ask for war, but Congress declared war anyway on April 20, with the addition of the Teller Amendment, which disavowed any intention of annexing Cuba. [227] However, the young, enthusiastic Roosevelt quickly captured public attention after his predecessor's death. [150] The next day, the Spanish Caribbean squadron, which had been sheltering in Santiago's harbor, broke for the open sea but was intercepted and destroyed by Rear Admiral William T. Sampson's North Atlantic Squadron in the largest naval battle of the war. The 1896 political environment resembles that of … [153] The fighting in the Philippines engendered increasingly vocal criticism from the domestic anti-imperialist movement, as did the continued deployment of volunteer regiments. [195], Gould reports, "the nation experienced a wave of genuine grief at the news of McKinley's passing. We are YOUR SOURCE for the BEST in political and presidential pinbacks and badges, tokens and medals, posters and paper ephemera, textiles, ceramics, 3D and more. [127], Meanwhile, in the Caribbean theater, a large force of regulars and volunteers gathered near Tampa, Florida, for an invasion of Cuba. [158] McKinley had difficulty convincing the Senate to approve the treaty by the requisite two-thirds vote, but his lobbying, and that of Vice President Hobart, eventually saw success, as the Senate voted in favor on February 6, 1899, 57 to 27. [127] However while public opinion called for war to liberate Cuba, McKinley favored a peaceful approach, hoping that through negotiation, Spain might be convinced to grant Cuba independence, or at least to allow the Cubans some measure of autonomy. in Sugita, ed.. Teresa Brawner Bevis, and Christopher J. Lucas, John W. Bailey, Jr., "The Presidential Election of 1900 in Nebraska: McKinley Over Bryan. [197] A hundred thousand people passed by the open casket in the Capitol Rotunda, many having waited hours in the rain; in Canton, an equal number did the same at the Stark County Courthouse on September 18. William McKinley defeated William Jennings Bryan in the U.S. Presidential election of 1896, in what is considered the forerunner of modern political campaigning. McKinley increasingly became a significant figure in national politics. [92], By the time the national convention began in St. Louis on June 16, 1896, McKinley had an ample majority of delegates. [217] A hundred thousand people passed by the open casket in the Capitol Rotunda, many having waited hours in the rain; in Canton, an equal number did the same at the Stark County Courthouse on September 18. ", Coletta, Paolo E. "Bryan, McKinley, and the Treaty of Paris. They were led by Secretary of State Hay, naval strategist Alfred T. Mahan, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Secretary of War Root, and Theodore Roosevelt. Hanna established an unofficial McKinley headquarters near the convention hall, though no active effort was made to convert delegates to McKinley's cause. The Presidency of William McKinley spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the Maturation Era or the Gilded Age. The status of the Philippines was heavily debated, and became an issue in the 1900 election, with Democrats opposed to American ownership. In so doing, McKinley voted against the position of the House Republican leader, James Garfield, a fellow Ohioan and his friend. Under his leadership, the country went to war against Spain in 1898 and thereby acquired a global empire, which included Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. [188] After a stint as Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Roosevelt had resigned and raised a cavalry regiment; they fought bravely in Cuba, and Roosevelt returned home covered in glory. A Strong and Steady Presidency. For the position of Attorney General, McKinley turned to another old friend from the House, Joseph McKenna of California. [141] He stood firmly in that demand even as the military situation on Cuba began to deteriorate when the American army was struck with yellow fever. [207], In the days after the shooting, McKinley appeared to improve. [137], On July 22, the Spanish authorized Jules Cambon, the French Ambassador to the United States, to represent Spain in negotiating peace. [35] The next day, they moved north up the valley into winter quarters near Kernstown. [42] He soon formed a partnership with George W. Belden, an experienced lawyer and former judge. On the national level, this period was generally dominated by the Republican Party. Historian Lewis L. Gould argues that McKinley was "the first modern president": He was a political leader who confirmed the Republicans as the nation's majority party; he was the architect of important departures in foreign policy; and he was a significant contributor to the evolution of the modern presidency. [31] McKinley made two other changes to his Cabinet in 1898; Charles Emory Smith succeeded the ailing Gary as Postmaster General, while John W. Griggs replaced McKenna as Attorney General after McKenna joined the Supreme Court.[32]. Nearly a million dollars was pledged by contributors or allocated from public funds for the construction of McKinley memorials in the year after his death. [45] They were married on January 25, 1871, in the newly built First Presbyterian Church of Canton. [62], In 1889, with the Republicans in the majority, McKinley sought election as Speaker of the House. [22] The 23rd was the first regiment to encounter the Confederates at the Battle of South Mountain on September 14. The U.S. set Cuba free and granted independence to the Philippines in 1946. [28] McKinley later said the combat there was "as desperate as any witnessed during the war". [85] Historian Henry Graff says that in the mid-1890s, "unmistakably, the sentiment at home was maturing with immense force for the United States to join the great powers of the world in a quest for overseas colonies. McKinley won the Republican presidential nomination in 1896 thanks to his congressional and gubernatorial experience, his longtime support of protectionism and the skilled maneuvering of his chief supporter, the wealthy Ohio industrialist Marcus Alonzo Hanna. [126] By the time the troops arrived in the Philippines at the end of June 1898, McKinley had decided that Spain would be required to surrender the archipelago to the United States. [224] Phillips suggests the significant number of major memorials to McKinley in Ohio reflected the expectation among Ohioans in the years after McKinley's death that he would be ranked among the great presidents. [165] It used the cash reparations paid by China to bring Chinese students to Americans schools. The speeches were carefully scripted to avoid extemporaneous remarks; even the spokesman's remarks were approved by McKinley or a representative. [109] The Northeast was considered most likely safe for McKinley after the early-voting states of Maine and Vermont supported him in September. The New York Commercial of 3 January 1898 surveyed a wide variety of businesses and industries nationwide and concluded, "after three years of waiting and of false starts, the groundswell of demand is at last begun to rise with the steadiness which leaves little doubt that an era of prosperity has appeared." Driven by the ideals of freedom and civil liberties, the future 25 th president of the United States enlisted as a private in Poland Guards in June 1861. Born in 1843 at a place called Niles (in Ohio), William McKinley had the honor of fighting for the Union Army in the American Civil War (1861-1865). William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897 until his assassination in September 1901, six months into his second term. In the end, McKinley lost by 300 votes, but the Republicans won a statewide majority and claimed a moral victory. [2] The Allison family was of mostly English descent and among Pennsylvania's earliest settlers. The Democrats countered with their best spokesmen on tariff issues. Born on the 29 th of January 1843, President William McKinley was one of the fourth Presidents of the United States to be assassinated. [110] By then, it was clear that public support for silver had receded, and McKinley began to emphasize the tariff issue. Skip to Article ... William McKinley, and the Emergence of the President as Party Leader. [92] With McKinley's support, Democratic Representative Francis G. Newlands of Nevada introduced a joint resolution that provided for the annexation of Hawaii. [46] Their first child, Katherine, was born on Christmas Day 1871. Rutherford B. Hayes served as commander of the 23rd Ohio Infantry, while William McKinley was a commissary sergeant. [177], The McKinley administration's response to racial violence was minimal, causing him to lose black support. [69][70], The administration's response to racial violence was minimal, causing McKinley to lose further black support. We enjoyed it as much as he did. Political Party: Republican Spouse: Ida Saxton. During the war, General Henry Clark Corbin gained McKinley's trust as the adjutant general of the army, and Corbin acted as the de facto commander of the army under McKinley administration's auspices. [157], After Puerto Rico was devastated by the massive 1899 San Ciriaco hurricane, Secretary of War Root proposed to eliminate all tariff barriers with Puerto Rico. [196] Roosevelt emerged as the campaign's primary speaker and Hanna helped the cause working to settle a coal miners strike in Pennsylvania. [107], McKinley always thought of himself as a tariff man and expected that the monetary issues would fade away in a month. [51], As doubts about the likelihood of reaching an international monetary agreement grew, the Senate inserted a provision that authorized the president to reach bilateral treaties providing for the mutual reduction of tariff duties. McKinley was the last U.S. president who served in the Civil War. ", Hamilton, Richard F. "McKinley's Backbone. [122] McKinley not only wanted to win the war, he also sought to bring North and South together again, as white Southerners enthusiastically supported the war effort, and one senior command went to a former Confederate General. [75] Although McKinley believed that the health of the nation depended on that of business, he was evenhanded in dealing with labor. in Paul Kleppner et al. McKinley was reluctant to appoint Roosevelt, stating to one Roosevelt booster, "I want peace and I am told that your friend Theodore is always getting into rows with everybody." Big business, high finance, and Main Street businesses across the country were vocally opposed to war and demanded peace, as the uncertainties of a potentially long, expensive war posed serious threat to full economic recovery. William McKinley was the 25th president of the USA - from 1897-1901. McKinley's priority, however, was in ending sectionalism, and African Americans were generally disappointed by his policies and appointments. [180] Democrats knew the war had been popular, even if the imperialism issue was less sure, so they focused on the issue of trusts and corporate power, painting McKinley as the servant of capital and big business. McKinley was reluctant, stating to one Roosevelt booster, "I want peace and I am told that your friend Theodore is always getting into rows with everybody." Sources: Electoral and popular vote totals based on data from the United States Office of the Federal Register and Congressional Quarterly's Guide to U.S. In fact, Walker had deceived McKinley, telling him that new notes were actually renewals of matured ones. Convinced Sherman could not win, Foraker threw his support to Maine Senator James G. Blaine, the unsuccessful Republican 1884 presidential nominee. Charles Dawes, who had been Hanna's lieutenant in Chicago during the campaign, was considered for the Treasury post but by some accounts Dawes considered himself too young. Although public sentiment mostly favored annexation of the Philippines, prominent Democrats like Bryan and Grover Cleveland, along with some intellectuals and older Republicans, opposed annexation. [160] There was strong American support for annexation, and the need for Pacific bases in wartime became clear after the Battle of Manila. Charles Dawes, who had been Hanna's lieutenant in Chicago during the campaign, was considered for the Treasury post but by some accounts Dawes considered himself too young; he would instead become the comptroller of the currency in 1898. Philip A. Wallach. American public opinion favored the rebels, and McKinley shared in their outrage against Spanish policies. It is manifest destiny. [29] They continued south toward Lynchburg, tearing up railroad track as they advanced. [27], McKinley's most controversial Cabinet appointment was that of John Sherman as secretary of state. In 1896, he rallied the business and financial communities behind his successful effort to … [235] Phillips believes that part of McKinley's legacy is the men he included in his administration, who dominated the Republican Party for a quarter century after his death. : William McKinley and the Spanish–American War", Nick Kapur, "William McKinley's Values and the Origins of the Spanish‐American War: A Reinterpretation. [164] McKinley's actions set a precedent that led to most of his successors exerting similar independent control over the military. Fearing that the Ohio governor would emerge as a candidate, Harrison's managers arranged for McKinley to be permanent chairman of the convention in Minneapolis, requiring him to play a public, neutral role. Their immigrant ancestor was David McKinley, born in Dervock, County Antrim, in present-day Northern Ireland. The third president of the United States to be assassinated, William McKinley served as 25th president and was elected twice into office. But he is once again at the center of events, where he started. [205], McKinley urged his aides to break the news gently to Ida, and to call off the mob that had set on Czolgosz, a request that may have saved his assassin's life. [34] They followed up the victory with another at Fisher's Hill on September 22 and were engaged once more at Cedar Creek on October 19. [1], McKinley rose to prominence within the Republican Party as a congressman closely associated with protective tariffs. [57] In the absence of international agreement, McKinley favored legislation to formally affirm the gold standard, but was initially deterred by the silver strength in the Senate. William McKinley . William McKinley was born in Niles, Ohio, on 29th January, 1843. These expansionists had vigorous support from newspaper publishers William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, who whipped up popular excitement. William McKinley had English and Scots-Irish roots, being the seventh child of William McKinley Sr. and Nancy (née Allison) McKinley (1809–1897). The following day, a funeral service was held at the First Methodist Church; the casket was then sealed and taken to the McKinley house, where relatives paid their final respects. [47] The next year, McKinley undertook a high-profile case defending a group of striking coal miners, who were arrested for rioting after a clash with strikebreakers. [21], Nick Kapur says that McKinley's priorities were based on his values of arbitrationism, pacifism, humanitarianism, and manly self-restraint, and not on external pressures. [192] The Democratic convention convened the next month in Kansas City and nominated William Jennings Bryan, setting up a rematch of the 1896 contest. Large sugar interests had imported tens of thousands of workers, mostly Japanese. [166] McKinley's actions set a precedent that led to most of his successors exerting similar independent control over the military. The Presidency of William McKinley spanned the period in United States history that encompasses the events of the Maturation Era or the Gilded Age. [241], William McKinley Monument by Hermon MacNeil in front of the Ohio Statehouse, Columbus, McKinley Monument by Alexander Phimister Proctor in front of Buffalo City Hall, Buffalo, Louisiana Purchase Exposition stamp (1904) honoring McKinley, who had signed a bill authorizing a subsidy for that upcoming event, McKinley Monument in front of Lucas County Courthouse, Toledo, This article is about the 25th president of the United States. Published on: April 9, 2019 . [79], Soon after Cleveland's return to office, hard times struck the nation with the Panic of 1893. Adoption of the platform caused some western delegates, led by Colorado Senator Henry M. Teller, to walk out of the convention. The Spanish–American War had exposed the difficulty of maintaining a two-ocean navy without a connection closer than Cape Horn, at the southern tip of South America. William McKinley (January 29, 1843 – September 14, 1901) was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his assassination in September 1901, six months into his second term. A fresh look at President William McKinley from New York Times bestselling author and political mastermind Karl Rove—“a rousing tale told by a master storyteller whose love of politics, campaigning, and combat shines through on every page” (Doris Kearns Goodwin, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Team of Rivals). [12] McKinley quickly took to the soldier's life: he wrote a series of letters to his hometown newspaper extolling the army and the Union cause. By 1895, the conflict had expanded to a war for Cuban independence. Thirty-nine (39) political ephemera items, including William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt campaign pinback buttons.

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